Epilog - A New Beginning

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"There you are ..."

His heavy boots crush the grass as he approaches. The red evening sun shines slightly on the fallen trees as well as on the forest's destroyed bushes. Most of the sun's rays, however, are intercepted by the Fortuna Castle.

"Nero ... I am relieved to see you well. No guards?"

"No. I've disbanded them for this area for now."

"Thank you for heeding my request. It is better to talk to you in private."

"So, out with it. Where the hell have you been the whole time, Raul?"

He turns his head to the side as if he needed a short pause before he is able to answer. Finally, he turns his gaze back to Nero. In his calm, deep, and neutral voice he explains:

"First of all, I want you to know that I am deeply ashamed. What I almost did to you and, by extension, to everyone close to you, is horrendous and unforgivable. The mere fact that I actually harbored the thought of sacrificing your life for Fortuna's freedom, which - in retrospect - would most likely not even have occurred as a result of my actions, dishonors myself. In the end, I was shown the alternative path; not to say the ideal path. As much as it makes me glad to see you standing before me well and alive, it only loads more dirt and filth on me, my character, and my reputation as the deputy head of the Organization at the same time. Not even I myself am capable to forgive myself for this demonic trait."

Nero grins and shakes his head. He has to pull himself together to not start laughing.

"Okay, enough of that, you 'lil drama queen! We all agree that you didn't present yourself in the best light. And because of that emergency plan, I really expected that to be somethin' completely different. Let's say, somethin' with a more positive perspective for me ... But in the end it's the intention behind the action that counts, don't cha think? You just wanted to protect Fortuna and didn't know what else to do. As the Organization's head, you were under great pressure. You were responsible for thousands of lives, and everythin' seemed hopeless. It wasn't actually that you wanted to get rid of me; you just saw the big picture."

Raul's face is frozen. So is his gaze which meets Nero's eyes.

"For that reason ..." Nero continues saying to fill the silence, "... we should just forget about this and move on. It all went well. That's the most important thing. The others will realize that, too."

"Nero ..."

"And maybe it'll ease you a bit if I tell you that I thought about such a way of leavin', too. Just more proactive, if you know what I mean ..."

Raul raises his hand briefly - this as a stop signal for Nero. Either to tell him to hold on for a moment and to let him speak or perhaps as a sign that the whole situation is getting too much for himself. Possibly, this gesture has both meanings.

The blond, colossal man takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a short time. When he opens them, his gaze is down on Nero's boots. Then he wanders his view up to Nero's face. Raul's expression hardens.

"Nero. Your understanding of my past deeds ... It is incomprehensible to me, neither can I bear it. How are you able to have such notion?"

"Because I'm the one who knows you best, Raul. And because I trust you. Yes, Raul, I trust you. Even after your past deeds. And maybe also because I know how you must be feelin'. I also did things I'm not proud of ..."

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