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Beep! Beep! Beep!

My eyes flew open at the sound of my alarm clock. I shut them again and reached blindly for the snooze button. When I pressed it the blaring noise wouldn't stop, so I groaned and forced my eyes open. I looked and figured the power had gone out last night since my clock was flashing 12, but that also meant it wasn't my alarm going off.

"What?" I muttered, still a little groggy.

Something moved in the corner of my eye, but I didn't even have to turn to know it was Emma, my sister who graduated last month. She tapped the screen of her phone and the noise stopped.

"You know you missed the bus, right Hana?" I could hear the sly smile in her voice.

"What! Why didn't you wake me up!?" I yelled, after checking my phone and seeing that she wasn't trying to trick me. I ran around my room, grabbing the first clean clothes I could find and shutting the door in Emma's face.

"Well," I heard through the door," last time I did that, you told me to never do that again."

"If Im going to miss the bus then, obviously, you should wake me up!" I yelled at the door while hopping on one foot, trying to put my shoe on. I quickly brushed my hair and threw it into a horrible looking ponytail, grabbed my books, and ran past Emma, towards the school.

I live with my parents and Emma just a few minutes from the school. I usually ride the bus, but if I run I can make it before the bell rings. My best friend, Jane, lives next door and usually walks to school. As I'm running I notice her a little ways up the road, so I speed up to catch her. I'm so focused that I don't notice a pothole in front of me and I fall sideways onto the road, my books sliding all over. When I sit back up, I realize my knees are skinned and bleeding, along with my palms.

"Today is just not my day."I sigh. Getting back onto my feet, I start gathering my books. I walk over to the other side of the street to get the last one when I hear a car honk loud, really close. I look up and scream, everything goes black.

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