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I looked at him, confused.

"Time for what?" I asked. He didnt reply, just went over and grabbed the watch. When he brought it over to me, he flipped it over so the circles were facing up.

"Listen to it." He brought it up to my ear.

"Hana, it's time." I jumped back. It had come from the watch, but it sounded strange. I listened a little more and realized the voice of everyone I had ever cared about. My mom, sister, Jane, my grandparents, my friends, even the old man I used to mow the lawn for when he had become wheelchair bound when I was thirteen. And the Doctor. I could pick out his voice mixed in with the others.

"Hana?" The real Doctor's voice snapped me back to reality. I looked up and saw that he looked like he couldn't figure out what to say.

"It spoke to me..." I whispered in awe. He nodded and opened his mouth to speak, shutting it again. Finally he began.

"Hana, you know that the woman we saw was your great grandmother. Well, she was a Time Lord like me, well Time Lady," I tried to interrupt, but he put his finger to his lips until I shut my mouth. "She was being chased by someone who wanted to kill her. The watch took away and contained her regeneration energy and everything that identified her as Time Lord, even her memories. It gave her a fake set of memories to replace the ones she lost, she even only had one heart." This time I managed to speak before he cut me off.

"You have more than one heart?" His only response was to grab my hand and put over the normal spot for a heart. I felt it beating, but then he moved it over to the other side where the beating was just as strong.  I pulled away my hand and replaced it with my ear. Then I heard it. His heartbeat... Heartsbeat? I moved back quickly and he continued his story.

"Once a Time Lord become human, we really don't notice the watch. We know its there, but we have no desire to do anything with it. Unless someone makes us notice it. Then we notice it, open it, and become Time Lords once again. When she died, she must have never opened it, so it was passed to her child. If the child, your grandmother, had opened it, she would have become a Time Lord. But she didn't, nobody did. Its like it didn't want to be opened. Until now." He finished with a glance at the watch.

"Should I open it?" I whispered.

" What is it telling you?" He responded.

"It says  it's time." And with that I started to open it but, he grabbed my wrist before I could.

"Hana, you know what happens if you open it, right? You will be a completely different person. Not just how you look, how you act, too. Things you like now, you could hate when you wake up. Are you sure it's what you want?" I didn't hesitate before I nodded. He gave a small smile and released my arm.

"You should probably sit down, though. Your first regeneration will be a little... difficult. Don't sorry, you'll be fine." He added quickly when I looked up at him.

I followed his advice and sat on the floor with my back against the wall. He sat down in front of me with his legs crossed. Finally, I took a deep breath and popped the clasp. Instantly, the gold dust flowed out of the watch and surrounded me. What was he so concerned about? This isn't so ba- OW!! Suddenly my hands and feet felt like they were being burned. The sensation spread throughout my body. The pain was unbearable and my vision started going dark at the edges. The last thing I remember before I faint is the watch falling out of my hands as the dust fades away.

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