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The Doctor grabbed John's arm, preventing him from grabbing the gun we all knew he was reaching for. I bit my lip and looked to Moriarty. He looked so proud of himself, the fact that he could incite pure hatred from John seemed to please him. Moriarty stood next to Sherlock and placed his arm around his shoulder, giving a grin as he did so. John shook off the Doctor's grip and took a step closer to the other men. Sherlock's face stayed remarkably blank the entire time, other than a brief glare when Moriarty had put his arm around him. Moriarty's gaze wandered and when it met mine, I instinctively stepped closer to the Doctor.
"Sherlock?" John's voice was surprisingly calm.
"What the hell are you doing?" In any other situation, I probably would have laughed.
"Oh, nothing much. What are you doing?" If looks could kill, John would have murdered Sherlock right then. Moriarty raised an eyebrow at the two.
"Actually, Johnny boy, he insisted that he say goodbye to you." He smirked. "Now, isn't that sweet?" John opened his mouth to speak but, I cut him off.
"Wait- Sherlock...You're going with him?"
"I thought that was fairly obvious."
John walked up to Moriarty before we could stop him.
"I need to talk to Sherlock. In private." Moriarty put his hands up and took a step back.
"By all means, do go ahead." John nodded gravely and pulled Sherlock a little farther away.
Moriarty came and stood in front of the Doctor and I. The Doctor had placed his arm around my waist awhile ago and he pulled me closer now. The man looked at us carefully.
"You two are rather adorable together. No wonder it was so easy to control you, Hana." The Doctor tensed.
"Control her?" Moriarty's face brightened as mine paled. When I had told the Doctor about what was going on, I had left out the part about how this was all my fault.
"Oh! No one told you? Sweet little Hana made a deal with me. You for John and Sherly. I had expected her to put up more of a fight...actually, I'm quite disappointed about that..." he frowned a little. The Doctor suddenly seemed to remember something.
"The Cyberman...oh...Oh!" He ran a hand through his hair and look around, grinning. "I know just what you're up to." Moriarty looked almost surprised.
"Really? Do tell."
"You never really wanted John. You wanted Sherlock. Sherlock and his clever mind. The one so similar to yourself, except one little thing. His heart. He cares too much, despite his efforts to hide it. This "flaw" is the only thing that makes your little games unfair. However, if there was someway to get rid of his flaw, you two would be evenly matched. A real challenge. Somehow, you discovered the Cybermen. They're emotion inhibitors, especially. You tried to make you're own. I'm guessing they didn't work quite as well as you wanted, making you decommission them-" I figured out where the Doctor was going with this and cut him off.
"The body, then. Was one of your failures... and now, you finally figured out how to make it work. All you need is Sherlock to...upgrade him." The Doctor smiled down at me and Moriarty looked impressed with us.
"I seem to have underestimated you two. Unfortunately for you, Sherlock is aware of all of this and still agreed to come with me as long as I promised to leave his dear John alone. Almost makes you ill, doesn't it?" The conversation dropped off and I listened to the hushed whispering of John and Sherlock. Every once and awhile, one of then would raises their voice a little, allowing us to hear a few snippets of the conversation.
"Trust....he promised..."
"...for you..."
"...I'm sorry..."
They both walked towards us, John's hand on Sherlock's back. When John finally stepped away to switch places with Moriarty, Sherlock looked surprised for a moment. Moriarty cleared his
"Are you two done?" They nodded."Alright. Go back to your cab, go back to the flat. Sherlock will be back in a few days, and until then you will forget that he existed. Are you ready, Sherlock?" He nodded in response. Moriarty and Sherlock both turned to walk away and I looked to the ground before I felt the Doctor squeeze my hand, rather hard causing me to look up. I stifled a gasp. That clever man... The handcuffs that Sherlock had been wearing were nowhere to be seen. In one swift movement, however, he had produced them from somewhere and put them on Moriarty. John grinned madly and Moriarty smirked.
"Do you really think it would be that easy, boys?"
"Yes, actually, it is. Mycroft decided to do a little legwork, for once, and was able to tap the communications between you and the snipers that were supposed to be here. Not only did he find their identities, he had them arrested just a few minutes ago."
John was staring at Sherlock in awe and it occurred to me that he hadn't been let in on the plan. John had been left to believe that his....whatever they are...was about to be turned into a literal killing machine. Within the next fifteen minutes, Moriarty had been taken away, the Doctor's wounds had been cleaned, and we were in the cab on our way back to the flat. When we arrived, the Doctor and I got out and waited for the other two but, they didn't get out. I peeked my head back in and saw that John had fallen asleep sometime and his head had fallen onto Sherlock's shoulder. Sherlock was looking down at him, smiling softly. He gently shook John's shoulder, making him blink his eyes open. It took him a moment to realize the situation but, his face reddened a little as he climbed out of the cab. The cabbie was paid and we all walked up to the living room, the Doctor and I following them, our arms around each other's waists.

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