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The Doctor and I traveled on many dangerous missions for the next few months. Well, it could have been years. Oddly enough, time travel had made me lose the concept of time. Anyways, all I knew was, I definitely had a lot more scars than I'd had before I started traveling with him. I trying to tend to a cut on my back when the Doctor knocked on my door. Wincing as I pulled my shirt back over it, I let him in.

"I didn't think you'd be awake, Doctor." I had my back to him and without saying a word he laid his hand over the cut, causing me to gasp. He had been gentle but it still sent pain shooting through my back.

"There's blood on your shirt, I thought you said he didn't hurt you." He stood in front of me, both concerned and a little angry. We had been running yesterday when I fell. Someone, I didn't see who, had swung a staff, hitting my back. I'd heard a man tell the Doctor it was an accident before I got up started running again.

"I'm fine, I've had worse." I replied. He walked back behind me and pulled my collar down a little so he could see my back. I spun around.

"I said, its fine!" He looked irritated with me.

"No its not, you couldn't even reach it to clean it off. Its already infected!" He almost shouted the last part since I was walking away. I wasn't going to argue that point, I really couldn't reach it without making it hurt worse. When I turned to look at him, his gaze softened.

"Hana, at least let me bandage it. Please?" I sighed and nodded. He ran to the infirmary and I laid on my bed, stomach down, looking at the door. The Doctor walked in and I groaned. He had brought pretty much everything in the infirmary with him.

I felt him sit next to me and pull up the hem off my shirt. He tried to hide his gasp but I heard it anyways.

"You really should have told me about this." He grumbled. "This is going to sting." He put some sort of antibiotic on it and I hissed, causing him to laugh.

"So, you can handle getting hit with a wooden staff, but not a little antibiotic?" After he bandaged it, I sat up.

"I could have done it myself..." I said. He fake pouted at me, making me smile.

A week later, we decided to go visit Emma like we promised. When we stepped out of the TARDIS, she was waiting for us. Before we had barely stepped on, she had wrapped us in a hug.

"How long has it been for you guys?" She asked. I looked at the Doctor because I honestly had no idea.

"Uh, about six months." He finally replied when he realized I was looking at him. Emma looked almost shocked.

"Really? Six months?" I started to say we would have been quicker by she cut me off.

"I thought you guys would have been gone longer." She shrugged and lead us to her house. We sat in the living room and she gave us some glasses of water.

"I thought it would be better if you didn't tell mom and dad who you are. We were all told you died and they might have a heart attack if their long lost daughter came back with a different face. I told them you're my friend and your name is Mary, okay? And Doctor, of course you're John Smith." He had kind of zoned out and snapped back to attention when she said his name.

"What? Right, sorry. And what if they ask how you know me?" She gave a mischievous smile but, when she opened her mouth to speak, there was a knock at the door. I heard her greet our parents and I felt a little sad, they've been living, thinking I'm dead, and won't even know its me with them now. The Doctor must have sensed I was upset because he gave me a side hug. Emma walked in, followed by our parents. We shook hands and I sat down, taking a drink. Emma decided then to introduce us.

"Mom, Dad, this is Mary and her husband, John Smith." I almost choked on my water. Emma... I growled in my head. When I looked up at the Doctor, his face was priceless. For once, he had been rendered speechless. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Merry Christmas!"

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