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It didn't take us long to return to Sherlock and John's flat but when I reached up to knock on the front door,  the Doctor grabbed my wrist.  I raised an eyebrow at him but he only responded with another devious look as he quietly opened the door.  He gently set the bag of our clothing next to the bottom of the stairs before beginning to rather quickly tiptoe up them.  I fought the urge to roll my eyes but smiled a bit as I followed him quietly.  When he got to the door to Sherlock and John's living area,  he waited for me to join him before throwing open the door.  Almost immediately after he did,  I caught a brief glance at the pair inside before the Doctor shielded my eyes and spoke in an overdramatic tone. 
"Sherlock! John! Behave yourselves,  there's a child present!"
"Oh,  I can assure you.  I am in no way a child." I said quickly,  nearly interrupting him.  I huffed and pushed his hand away in time to see Sherlock quickly return to his chair,  and to see John spin around to face us.  They both had rather flushed faces and their eyes had a dazed look for a moment before Sherlock focused on us and rolled his. 
"For God's sake,  it's not like we were doing anything."
"Oh,  we were definitely doing something,  Sherlock." John said with a slight smirk and Sherlock continued to stare at us,  pretending his face hadn't turned a darker shade of pink at those words.
"Not what he thinks we were doing,  though." John continued after a moment.  I glanced at the Doctor and noticed his amused look.
"You made us rush all the way here... To cockblock?" I whispered to him.
"Pretty much,  yes." He said,  clearly entertained by the situation. 
I sighed at him before giving a somewhat apologetic look at John and Sherlock. 
"I'll go get the bag of our clothes then.  Alright?" I asked and the Doctor hesitated, then shook his head. 
"I'll get it.  You go sit down." Before I could protest,  he had already started back down the stairs. I smiled a bit and shook my head slightly before doing as he had suggested,  taking a seat on the sofa.  John cleared his throat uncomfortably and cast a glance over at Sherlock before turning to me. 
"So.. How did you and the Doctor end up here?"
"Well.. We were trying to go visit my sister to.. Announce a bit of news.." My face flushed slightly at my own words and John tilted his head a little. 
"News? What.. What sort of news,  may I ask?" When John asked the question,  I noticed a small smirk from Sherlock.  I nodded my head towards the detective. 
"I get the feeling he knows."
"Of course I know." I rolled my eyes a little at his arrogance. 
"Alright,  tell us then." John said,  a bit annoyed that he had been left in the dark. 
"No." He responded with a smirk as the Doctor returned and gave us all a suspicious look. He sat next to me and placed the bag onto the floor. 
"What are we-" The Doctor started,  only to be interrupted by John. 
"What do you mean 'no'?"
"I mean,  I want you to try and figure it out for yourself." Sherlock responded. 
"... I can't."
"Yes,  you can."
"I'm not you, Sherlock.  I'm not a bloody genius who can tell the life stories of people I barely know." Sherlock stared at John a moment,  the corners of his mouth pulling into a slight frown. 
"... You severely underestimate yourself, John. Now,  please.  I want you to try." John sighed and turned to look at the Doctor and I.  He examined the both of us for several minutes.  I grew increasingly uncomfortable under his stare and shifted in my seat towards the Doctor a bit more. After a bit longer,  John's eyes widened slightly. 
"Oh." He finally responded and Sherlock grinned. 
"You figured it out,  then?"
"They're.. Engaged? Very recently, too." Sherlock nodded,  still smiling.  Even if it was a very simple deduction,  he seemed so proud that John had figured it out all on his own.  John seemed proud as well and I glanced up at the Doctor before frowning a little.  I gently placed my hand on the side of his face and he flinched. 
"Does it hurt too much?" I asked,  concerned.  The bruising on his face had gotten gradually worse since we'd gotten away from Moriarty and his cheek looked rather swollen. 
"No.  I'm alright." I sighed at his obvious lie before placing my head onto his shoulder. 
John glanced over at the both of us hesitantly,  just now taking notice due to the distraction of Sherlock.
"Did you want something for the swelling, Doctor?"
"Yes.  He does." I interrupted,  shooting a slight glare at the Doctor because of his attempt to protest.  John got up to go get what I had requested and the Doctor pouted slightly. 
"I'm fine, now."
"... You can barely talk without cringing." John returned and held out a cold compress to me and I took it quickly. 
"Hana.." The Doctor said in a warning tone. 
"Hold still." I reached up to lay the cold pack on his swollen cheek and he stretched away from me.  Huffing,  I reached a bit further but he grabbed my wrist to prevent me from doing so. 
"Stubborn Time Lord." I muttered with a slight smile and he smirked in return.  I stared at him for a moment before using his tie to pull his head to mine like I had done before,  what felt so long ago.  His face flushed slightly and I smiled before leaning forwards to kiss him.  Right before my lips touched his,  however,  I placed the compress onto his face, causing him to give a shocked gasp.  I leaned away from him again with a smirk and John laughed. 
"I should keep that trick in mind when Sherlock won't let me tend to his wounds-" John thought out loud before cutting himself off,  his face reddening slightly as he glanced back at the man he had mentioned. Sherlock looked a bit surprised before smiling slightly at being compared to a couple by John. 
We all sat there in oddly comfortable silence until John and Sherlock were informed they  had to leave to go tie a few loose ends with the case.  Awhile after they left,  I finally removed the pack from the Doctor's face and lightly kissed him.
"I'm sorry for the trick, but you're just so stubborn and I didn't want it to hurt when I kissed you." He gave me a slight smile. 
"I know." he sighed. 
"Did it at least stop hurting?" He nodded and I gave him a relieved look before heading into the kitchen to put away the cold compress.  As I started to turn,  I heard footsteps and felt the familiar form of the Doctor standing close behind me.  His arms wrapped around me shortly after and he leaned down slightly to speak to me. 
"Are you alright,  Hana?"
".. Yes.  I'm fine." He turned me around and tilted my head up so I made eye contact.
"Are you sure?" He asked worriedly,  and I knew he meant to check that I didn't blame myself for what had happened to him.  I stared at him a moment before suddenly hugging him tightly,  burying my face into his shoulder.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2017 ⏰

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