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The Doctor paled a little as we followed John and Sherlock over to the body. John bent down and picked up its hand, waving the Doctor over. We both crouched down to examine the body. Suddenly he took a sharp breath. The skin around the nails on the body seemed to be peeling away and when I looked closer, I realized it wasn't skin at all. It was a type of camoflauge. Underneath, something shiny and metallic was peeking through. The Doctor stood and walked back to Sherlock, who gave him a glare. The Doctor said something to him and he rolled his eyes.
"Well, obviously, Doctor. Take Hana back to the flat, John and I will be there soon with the body." I walked over to him.
"Can you do that? Take the body, I mean..." Sherlock looked at me incredulously and I heard John give a small laugh behind me. "Never mind." The Doctor took my hand and led me back to a cab. I looked out the window and smiled when I saw Sherlock pulling John by the hand back to the body. The Doctor gave the cabbie the address to the flat and sat back. I leaned into his shoulder and felt him relax as he put his arm around my shoulder.
After awhile, I tensed up. We should have arrived at the flat a long time ago. I looked up and the Doctor gave a small nod. Hearts racing, I settled back into his arms, pretending to be asleep. He cleared his throat before he spoke to the cabbie.
"So, are we taking the scenic route, cab man?" A shockingly sarcastic voice responded.
"Oh, no, my name's Jim Moriarty , Doctor. Sit up, Hana, I know you're awake." I sat up quickly and looked at the Doctor in shock, but he was acting strangely calm. However, when I looked down, his knuckles were white from gripping the edge of the seat so tightly.
The cab slowed to a stop in front of an old building and I slowly scooted closer to the door. Reaching up I tried to open the door but Moriarty spoke before I could.
"I wouldn't bother with that, its locked. Obviously. I couldn't let you two get away, now could I? Be good, daddy will be right back." He opened the door and got out, walking over to another man who signaled a few others. They started walking over as Moriarty watched.


I woke up and prayed it had been a dream before opening my eyes. Both of my heart's sunk when I realized I was tied up in an unfamiliar room. Worse yet, I was completely alone. Holding back panic, I studied my surroundings. The walls were bare and white while the floors were made from old wood. There was very little furniture other than the chair I was attached to. Only a bed and a television. While I tried to figure out what had happened, Moriarty showed up on the screen.
"Hello. Did you have a nice rest? Feel free to answer, by the way, I can hear and see you." At this moment he pointed towards the corner of the room. Looking, I realized there was a security camera.
"What do you want? Where's the Doctor?" I tried to stay calm as I spoke towards the camera. When I looked back at Moriarty, he was pretending to look offended.
"Now, don't be in such a rush. Don't you want to chat?" I bit my lip and suddenly the door to the room was thrown open. Two guards walked in.
"They're going to untie you and you will cooperate. That is, if you want your little friend to stay safe." He gave a grin when I nodded.
"Good! Now, you will be escorted back to Baker Street. When you enter the flat Johnny boy and Sherlock will be there. Tonight, you will get them to go to the building where the body was. Some of my people will be watching you, so don't get any ideas."
I froze before I agreed. Moriarty smiled and the camera panned to show the Doctor, asleep in a chair. There was a large gash across his left cheek.
"Doctor!" I cried out. One of the men began to untie me.
"Remember, Hana, don't tell the boys about our little chat." The ropes fell away and I was pulled up roughly. As I was being pushed out the door, I took one last glance at the screen and saw the Doctor raise his head and look around. My heart's sank when I heard him call out to me before the door slammed shut and I was pushed down a hallway.

A/N hi guys. Its been awhile but I'm back now. I wrote this on a new phone that I'm trying to get used to so, sorry for any typos. I was going to write more but I figured I ought to update it now. Anywho, comments and stuff are welcome.

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