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"Wake up!" I peeled my eyes open to reveal a smiling Emma gently slapping me. I rolled over onto my stomach.

"You act younger than me, and your five years older!" I groaned into the rug. She sat on my back.

"Well, can't I miss you? And technically I'm ten years older than you." I made a confused noise but it was muffled.

"Wibbly, wobbly, timey, wimey!" Ugh, she's been hanging out with the Doctor!
"Get! Off!" She gave a little shout as I threw her off of me. I could hear her laugh.

"Aw, your jealous that I was talking to your Doctor without you. That's so cute!" My face burned so I knew it would be pointless to deny it. She ruffled my hair.

"How old is he anyways?" When I thought about it, I realized I didn't know, so I shrugged. We both jumped when there was a knock at the door.

"Um, hello, I was just seeing if you were awake..." He'd obviously been spying on us, since his face was about as red as mine felt. Emma was trying not to laugh, and I was shooting her death glares. He cleared his throat and we both looked up.

"I'm 904, if you were wondering." My jaw dropped. I mean, I knew he was probably old, ya know regenerating and stuff, but not that old. To him I was just a little baby. He laughed at me.

"Don't worry. Opening the watch affected your aging. Now your probably around 200 years old." That made me feel a bit better. I smiled, then glared at Emma who was giving us an "aww" face. The Doctor leaned against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets for a long time, like he was thinking. Suddenly his head snapped up.

"Right, sorry, where was I? Oh yes, Emma, you pick. Anywhere in all of time and space, where would you like to go?"

"Doctor! At least let us get dressed first! We'll meet you in the console room." He gave a confused look before he realized we were still in pajamas. I saw him bound off to the console room as I introduced Emma to my bigger on the inside closet.

When we finally got to the console room, he was sitting in a chair upside down, staring at the hall that lead to my room. He saw us and scrambled to his feet, trying to straighten his suit at the same time. Emma pushed past us, to the console, then turned to face us.

"Let's go to the future!" The Doctor gave a little groan. I heard him mutter something about humans always wanting to go to the future, then he walked up to the console.

"Hold on!" He shouted as he flipped the final lever. When we landed, the Doctor and I laughed at Emma. She had slid halfway across the room and was now shakily trying to stand. She looked bewildered.

"We'll that's a lot different than my vortex manipulator..." The Doctor had a slightly annoyed look when she said that. He opened the door for us and we all walked out into the bright sunlight. Together we walked to a market where lots of different types of aliens were trying to sell us stuff. It didn't take long for Emma to wander off. The Doctor kept his hand on the small of my back, I don't know if he knew he was doing it. We stopped at a few stalls but didn't buy anything. I spotted someone selling mood stones. They were like this cheap little mood rings I got when I was little, except they were much more accurate and they all had a unique pattern. The one I liked had a gold etching of a rose on the front with golden vines wrapping around the sides and back. I thought it was beautiful, but I didn't really need it so I put it back.

Eventually we caught up with Emma who got a picture frame to put a picture of all three of us in. We walked together back to the TARDIS, where we discovered she had made Emma her own room. I went into the kitchen and got something to eat before I went to bed. I wasn't all that tired even though it was three in the morning, so I sat in bed and drew. When I went to put my pencil on my nightstand, I noticed a small box with a sticky note on top. I opened the box and pulled out the stone I had been admiring and smiled. Holding it in my closed fist, I read the note.

"I saw you looking at this and got it for you, there's a chain so you can wear it as a necklace.
Red= Angry
Orange= Bored
Yellow= happy
Pink= Love
Blue= Sad
Black= Nervous
Green= Calm. Also if there are multiple colors, you are all those emotions

I smiled and set the pretty pink stone back into its box.

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