Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The Tomlinson house was filled with laughter and chatter as Mark and Dan helped the girls prepare for the party. Harry and Louis were due to arrive soon and Lottie was listening out for the chime of the doorbell.

Daisy and Phoebe were stood on chairs, sticky tape in hand, attempting to attach the banner to the wall. Ernest was tugging gently at Daisy's trouser leg, begging her to play with him.

Mark rushed around with Gemma and Lottie as they laid out the food and presents onto the long table in the dining room, sending a sweet scent of birthday cake around the house.

By the time Harry and Louis arrived with Bethany and a large suitcase, the other members of the two families were sat in a circle on the carpet of the living room. Louis sat with Phoebe to his right and Harry to his left, Bethany on the other side of Harry next to Gemma.

Dan, Ernest and Doris's father, handed a parcel to his daughter with a smile as Daisy connected her phone to the Bluetooth speaker and shuffled her most played songs. Always you by Louis Tomlinson sounded through their ears and the boys turned to stare at each other with wide grins.

"I'm wastin' my time when it was always you," Louis sang, gazing into Harry's eyes, with his head tilted to the side.

"Always you," Harry whispered as he lent down slowly to connect their lips in a sweet kiss. It wasn't until Phoebe tapped Louis on the arm that he realised the game had started and he took the item from her hand as the music stopped.

The older boy sat there biting his tongue in concentration as his fingers attempted to remove the first layer of tape and paper. After a few moments, a small chuckle escaped Harry's lips and he shuffled behind Louis's body. Harry wrapped his legs around Louis's figure, placing his large hands on the boy's lower stomach, and nuzzled his head into his neck.

"Need some help there, sunshine?" Harry whispered seductively into Louis's ear whilst sucking lightly on his neck. He smiled into his skin when he felt Louis's body twitch under his touch.

"Might do if you keep talking to me like that." Louis muttered whilst trying to keep his attention on the game and not the feeling of Harry's semi-hard on pressing into his ass as the younger boy giggled and pulled him closer.

Louis closed his eyes at the feeling of Harry's skin on his as he passed the parcel back to Phoebe for help. "I give up," Louis stated as he relaxed back into Harry's chest, allowing himself to be embraced by his fiancé.

Phoebe laughed at her older brother, clearly amused that he was unable to play the game. Once she ripped the layer off and threw it to the side, she picked up the stick of rock that Gemma and her boyfriend had brought back from their trip to wales a few weeks prior. (A/N: if you aren't English, a stick of rock is basically a long stick of hard candy that British people get at the seaside. Look at the image on the chapter or google it if you're not sure.)

Phoebe turned to her older brother to hand him his prize, only to find him sat with his head tilted up, eyes closed, and his mouth parted in an o shape. He bit down on his bottom lip to suppress a moan as Phoebe realised that Harry had snuck his hand inside the front of Louis's joggers.

"Oi!" Phoebe hissed as she hit her brother on the arm with the stick of sugar between her words. "Stop. Children. Louis!"

As Louis finally snapped back into the realisation that there were other people in the room, he made eye contact with his sister who gestured her eyes across to the youngest twins. "Sorry," he muttered as he took the prize, placing it on the floor, before firmly gripping Harry's wrist and trying to pull his hand away from his throbbing member.

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