Chapter Eleven

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Louis' eyelashes fluttered against his cheekbones as light poured harshly into his eyes. His mind rested upon the boy curled safely in his arms, snoring softly in the morning air. Louis had wrapped himself around Harry's middle, palms resting either side of his butterfly tattoo and nose nuzzling his shoulder, as he quickly recounted the events of the previous night.

Sliding his hands away from the sleeping boy, careful as to not wake him, Louis shuffled from under the duvet. The cold air rushed through an open window as he shielded himself with his old blue dressing gown, smiling idiotically as the realisation that it smelt like Harry settled in. He had clearly been wearing it in his absence.

Wandering to the opposite side of the bed from the toilet with a small spring in his step, Louis snuck back under the duvet, coming face to face with the younger boy. The rhythmic breath escaping Harry's lips caused a single curl to bob up and down against his forehead. Louis reached out a gentle hand and tucked it behind Harry's ear as his eyes slowly opened and stared into the glistening blue. Embarrassed that Louis had watched him sleep, a faint grin appeared on his face and his cheeks turned slightly pink.

Harry rolled over, throwing his legs across the bed to sit comfortably on the edge. Louis mentally traced every inch of his back with admiration as Harry pulled a pair of pyjama bottoms up to his waist. As he wandered across the floor to open the curtains, Louis sat up against the headrest of the bed.

Turning around slowly, Harry's eyes met with the smaller boy. His body was fixated in one spot, jaw loose and lips parted. Sparks flew across the room, absorbing into his chest and travelling down his spine. An innocent cough from the older boy snapped Harry's attention back to the present, swiftly raising his jaw and adverting his gaze to the floor. Shy and self-conscious, he risked a glance from the corner of his eye back towards Louis. A small chuckle propelled across the room as Louis smiled affectionately at the man he was in love with.

"What?" Louis teased, another chuckle emerging into the atmosphere.

Harry couldn't find the words to express why he felt as though he did, until as if on cue, his mind casted back to the morning he found a drenched Irish boy at his front door. He smiled knowingly at Louis, "the blue one in your right pocket", he whispered.

Intrigued, Louis' hand emerged from his clothing with the slip of paper, carefully unfolding it as he concentrated his eyes on each letter. His mind returned to his 19-year-old self, three weeks before their anniversary. He was drowning in multitudes of paper, each colour sparking memories that flowed onto its pages. Empty pens lay silently in the bottom of the trash as Louis scribbled down the 100th reason why he loved Harry.

You can never take your eyes off me, can you Harold? I must be handsome ;)

The vulnerability snuck past Louis' guard as Harry saw the soft side that he adored. Crawling up the mattress of the bed, Harry pressed his forehead against Louis' and their eyes connected like the powder igniting a flame. The corners of the curly lads' lips curled as he felt a warmth burn the side of his cheek. Desperate to leave Louis wanting more, Harry jumped from the bed and wandered down the stairs.

Returning from the front door, post in hand, Harry tossed the letters onto the kitchen table as he sent a teasing grin to the unimpressed yet determined boy stood in the doorway. Now only wearing pyjama shorts in an attempt to seduce Harry, he bit his lip slowly and lunged towards the taller lad who scuttled playfully out of the room.

Chasing him around the house, Harry's voice sent playful screams echoing off the walls, eventually leading them into the morning air. Giggles filled the sky as the damp grass sunk between their toes and the flowers wafted around their ankles. Glancing over his shoulder for a gage as to how far Louis was behind him, Harry caught sight of a beautiful smile fade into pure fear.

Harry's mind collapsed; body overwhelmed with a familiar sensation. His bones felt as if they were being crushed under the pressure surrounding him. His brain was exploding as his skull enclosed tighter underneath his skin, crushing his trachea and he screamed. Silence. His legs kicked in agony, arms waving in desperation. His eyelids pressed harshly into his cheekbones as his mind presented images of blood seeping from his wrists, clotting firmly in his hair.

Louis' touch ordinarily filled Harry's heart with warmth, aching for it to last for an eternity. As his hands pressed underneath his knees and around his back, Harry felt nothing but sharp pains stab his body and blades slicing his skin as he begged for the pain to end. A sudden rush of air filled his lungs and his eyes flew open as he hit the rough ground surrounding the swimming pool.

Louis hurled himself from the water and collapsed at Harry's side as he continued coughing profoundly. Confused and scared, Louis gazed at a sobbing boy for a few moments before rocking him in his arms, pulling him close to his chest whilst allowing room for him to breathe.


The sofa was damp underneath the two boys as Harry rested his head on Louis' shoulder, eyes swollen and dulled with guilt. He had been wrapped in towels and blankets by the older boy, a cup of warm liquid between his palms. Louis had one hand in his locks, gently rubbing them dry with a small towel. Once calm, Harry took a sip of his drink and Louis questioned what had happened.

"I slipped." Harry blurted with as much volume as his lungs could muster.

"That's not what I meant, and you know it." Louis voice was still soft, reassuring the younger boy that he was safe, but Louis was worried all the same.

"Doesn't matter." Harry whispered.

"Haz...", his voice cracked concerningly as his lips brushed Harry's forehead, "...please."

"Okay." Harry paused, placing his mug gently on the coffee table and twiddling his fingers in his lap. As he closed his eyes, a soft pressure weaved into his palm and he continued. "I was in the ocean last summer. The water up to my waist and I walked further out. One second I could breathe, the next I couldn't. The waves propelled me forward, pinning me down with ease. I struggled to break free, fighting as hard as I could until I wasn't fighting anymore. I didn't want to fight anymore. I close my eyes and I saw you as my body fell numb. Thoughts interrupted my head..." Harry's hand squeezed his wrists as he winced. "... I rose to the surface for air. I was going to give up Lou, I couldn't do it anymore."

Harry broke down into Louis' chest, sobbing every tear he had left inside of him. Louis slowly parted Harry's hand from his wrist and traced each scar carefully with his thumb. He pressed his lips against the most obvious streak raised above his skin virtually, adjacent to his veins.

"You will always have me, Haz, I promise. Hold on, please, for me." Louis' words rolled off his tongue as his tears joined Harry's.

"Always?" Harry stuttered.


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