Chapter Twenty-Two

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The time between the album being released and going on tour went by in a flash. Before they knew it, the bus was at their house to pick them up and head off on the road.

Harry was fussing over their baggage, desperate not to forget something. Louis was sat on the arm of the couch, not doing anything of course, as he rolled his eyes at his boyfriend. Eventually, he stood to his feet and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist from behind.

"Babe, relax. You double checked everything last night when you refused to come to bed and snuggle with me." Louis chuckled as Harry smiled at his feet, cuddling into Louis's chest as the doorbell rang.

They each took their bags to the bus outside, being greeted by James, the boys, and Oliver, their driver. Harry caught Louis's hand as he was about to board the bus and shot him a look, dragging him to the entrance of the bus behind them.

Louis grunted but followed Harry nonetheless to greet and thank each member of the music band, makeup artists and stylists before returning to their own accommodation. "Right then. We all ready?" James shouted cheerfully from the front. Each boy nodded enthusiastically, and they began to drive away.

The tour bus was huge, as expected. The front area was their lounge and dining space, alongside a kitchen. Two doors then separated them from the bed bunk corridor, followed by two more side doors in the same corridor for the bathrooms. Another set of double doors led into a private bedroom with a king-sized bed and wardrobe built in. At the very back of the bus was a soundproof studio where they could go for some privacy or to write songs when inspiration strook.

There had been many arguments before the start of tour between the boys over who would get the luxury room whilst on the road. After plenty of fights, they boys decided that James would stay there and each of the boys would take a single bunk.

Eventually, they arrived from London. After parking the bus in the VIP section of the O2 Arena, Birmingham, and eating dinner, they each changed into their pyjamas and crawled into bed. Harry and Louis had claimed their bunk above Liam, deciding to share a bed, with Niall opposite them and Zayn beneath Niall.

The bed was slightly narrower than a single and definitely wasn't designed for two people. As Louis turned around to face Harry, he elbowed him in the chin, earning him a grunt from the younger boy as he rubbed the spot of impact.

"Sorry!" Louis whispered as he tried his best not to laugh.

"Wanna apologise properly for that?" Harry smiled cheekily as Louis wrapped his hand over Harry's waist. He bruised their lips together, placing open mouthed and wet kisses to Harry's face whilst pressing their pelvis' together.

"For God's sake," Niall huffed as he drew back his curtain and flew out of bed, storming to the far end of the bus. He knocked twice on James's bedroom door before he opened it and their conversation carried itself to the corridor the boys were in.

"Can you PLEASE let those two stay in here? I don't care what we said. I cannot listen to that all night." Niall pleaded as James chuckled a reply.

"Already at it, H?" He turned his attention back to Niall before picking up his phone and leaving the door open. "Sure."

Harry and Louis jumped down from the bunk and closed the door of the room behind them. Louis entered first, pulling his shirt off over his head and dumping it on the floor before sitting in the middle of the bed. There was no need to wear it now they were alone.

Harry stood in awe, biting his bottom lip, as he strutted towards the older boy. He straddled his hips as Louis gripped his lower back firmly, pulling them closer together. Harry's hands were supporting Louis's face as they kissed each other breathless.

Within a matter of seconds, Harry could feel Louis's hard on between them. Chuckling, he pulled away from his boyfriend's face and Louis felt the pressure of Harry's body weight reduce as he attempted to stand back up.

Louis wasn't in the mood for teasing. He seized Harry's waist with both hands and pulled him back down onto his lap, causing the younger boy to grind into his hips. He lifted his chin to the side of Harry's face and whispered dominantly into his ear. "Don't start what you can't finish."

Louis tore Harry's shirt from his chest before kissing him again and shuffling underneath him to lie down on the bed fully. Harry followed the older boy's body and pressed his torso flush with Louis's. Slipping a hand underneath his boxers and pulled them down hurriedly, he wrapped a hand around Louis's cock as the boy beneath him moaned into his mouth, sending shivers down his spine.

Harry tugged in a downwards motion on Louis's length before feeling the smaller boy's fingers digging into his lower back. Breaking the kiss and breathing quickly against Harry's shoulder, Louis came in the skill of his hand.

Louis flipped him over, pulling his boxers down aggressively, before sucking hot spots down Harry's chest. He moved his head down the boy's body, eventually wrapping his mouth over Harry as the younger boy moaned loudly and dug his fingers into the sheets. He held his breath as Louis pulses up and down, sucking deeply whilst deep throating Harry.

Harry bucked his hips upwards in pleasure, fucking Louis's mouth. The older boy held up hand to signal for him not to. He wanted to do the work and be the only reason Harry would spill. It wasn't long before Harry shot warm liquid down Louis throat, breathing deeply as Louis swallowed and came up to meet his lips.

"Shower." Harry whispered.

As they both hopped into the shower in the nearest bathroom, the hum of the pluming sounded through the bus.

"Why are they showering at 11pm?" Niall grumbled as his eyes fluttered open.

James pulled back the curtain to look across at Niall's innocent face before replying. "Did you seriously just ask that?"

Niall's face turned to confusion. "Yeah?"

James mocked a laugh under his breath. "You sent them into a room on their own because you could hear them being too sexual in the same room as you. If a curtain didn't stop them, a door certainty didn't."

James let out a proper laugh as Niall's cheeks turned bright red. "Never mind," he muttered as he turned over, drawing his curtain, and falling asleep.

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