Chapter Twenty-One

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Harry's eyes fluttered open to welcome the warmth of the morning sun as it filled the room. The first thing he noticed was the bright yellow coat of nail varnish plastered to his fingers. Each nail had a small black letter on that read 'my baby Haz' as he looked across his hands. His smallest pinkie was smiling back at him as Louis had painted his signature trademark on the last nail.

His eyeline raised to the open bathroom door and back to the empty space next to him as Laura appeared in the room. Harry's eyes began to well as he opened his mouth, pain and hurt rising in his chest.

"Did he leave?" Harry chocked on his words as Laura was cut off, not even being given the opportunity to answer the boy.

"She made me." Louis's voice sounded from the doorway as Harry's eyes lit up to see Louis sending a cheeky grin in the direction of the nurse. She smiled at them both as Louis cupped one hand over Harry's cheek and kissed his forehead gently.

"Visitors aren't allowed to be here overnight, Harry," Laura began to explain, "and Louis isn't technically allowed in here for another half hour." She gave the older boy a stern look, all three of them knowing full well that Louis was aware of this.

Laura sighed, giving in to Harry's pleading eyes before adding a final comment and walking over to the medication cart. "Just keep the noise down and I won't tell."

Louis crawled his way into the bed, reclaiming his spot from the night before. He glanced up to see that Laura was facing in the opposite direction, occupied by Harry's pills, and not watching the two of them.

Louis threw one leg over Harry's hips to straddle his waist, placing his index finger to the younger boy's lips to tell him to remain quiet. The older boy lent down towards his face, connecting their mouths firmly, whilst pressing his palm into Harry's above his head, intertwining their fingers.

Harry smiled into Louis's touch before he felt the older boy pull away to look at his fingernails. "Do you like them?" Louis whispered into Harry's ear, nibbling at the skin under his jawline.

"They're perfect," Harry whispered back as he placed a large hand behind Louis's neck, pulling him in for another heated kiss. Forgetting that they were trying to be quiet, Laura spun around faster than lightening to see Louis snogging the life out her patient.

"Oi!" She shouted at the pair. Well, at Louis mostly as he was the one straddling the younger boy. Louis pulled away once more, holding his hands up in the air in defeat as he climbed off Harry's waist and shuffled into his side instead.

Harry giggled at Laura as she tutted at both of them, hands firmly on her hips. She was smiling too thought. They were too cute to be mad at.

"What would you like for breakfast, Harry?" Laura asked as she fiddled with the IV drip. Harry turned his head slightly to face the side of Louis's face before whispering one word into his ear, quietly enough for only the other boy to hear.

"You." Louis's breathing hitched and his eyes widened as the younger boy slipped out a hand, palming him through his jeans. He didn't know what medications they had him on, but he half wished he would keep taking them if they were making his this forward. Surprising, Louis liked him like this.

Harry began to ponder his options as he racked his brain for the menu choices. Before he had chance to think, Louis composed himself from Harry's inappropriate comment and action and answered for him.

"I've sorted that today." Laura nodded at Louis before leaving the room. Harry raised an eyebrow at the older boy. "That was easy."

"No, not like that you idiot!" Louis groaned and reached for his backpack next to the bed, sitting up properly and unzipping the bag.

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