Chapter Twenty

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7am was early for Harry but Laura looked as though she had been awake for hours. Night shift, he thought. To Harry, today was a day no different to another. Laura would come in and change his drip, giving him his morning medications before handing him over to the day nurse.

"Should we allow any visitors in today, Mr Styles?" Laura's voice was soft and sweet. She reminded Harry of Jay a little as he looked up to meet her eyes.

"Only my mum, please." Harry's answer was instant. No way did he want to see any of the boys. They were all as bad as each other for lying to cover Louis's ass. Pricks. It wasn't until Harry snapped out of his thoughts that he realised Laura was handing him an envelope. She had walked into the room with it resting lighting in her fingers, unable to tend to Harry whilst still holding it. He ripped it open and began reading to himself.

Dear Green,

Your eyes are green, at least that's what mum said. She's your nurse. She told me about you last night. I want to explain something to you. Something that I want you to promise me you will remember.

There will come a time in your life where you will find yourself stranded in the middle of a lake too deep to reach the bottom. From what I understand, you may already be there. And you will find yourself drowning, not knowing how to swim.

There will be 4 types of people standing on the edge waiting for you to swim to shore. The first type of person will leave after a while. They have no interest in helping you. They stuck around for the good times, but now they are the people you need to let go.

The second type of person will be the one who stays but all they do it tell you to 'just swim'. And you can't just swim. They won't be there for you in your times of need, but they will be the first to congratulate you when you reach the shore. You can let these people stay, but never acknowledge their opinion.

The third type of person is someone in a group of 10-20, usually friends and family, who will be standing on the side with their arms outstretched shouting words of encouragement for you to swim to them. These are the people who want to help you. They just don't know how.

And then there's the fourth type. It will never be more than one person. They won't stand on the edge and asks you to come to them, they will take off their shoes, dive in, and swim to you. And by watching them swim, they give you hope. You may have heard of them before; some people like to call them their soulmate.

And when they get to you, you have one of two choices. You can allow them to help you and support you back to shore, learning how to swim in the process, and overcome everything together. Or you can leave them there alone and try to get to shore by yourself.

If you leave them in the middle of the lake alone and you do make it to the other side, you won't be able to pull them out. They will be unreachable.

You may have many reasons for leaving them in the middle of the lake and not letting them help you, and you may be able to justify them when you do it, but when you get to the shore you will never forgive yourself. They risked everything to get to you and no matter what they say when they arrive, no matter how much they hurt you, they will always believe and feel the same things that made them jump in. Love.

I have one question that I want you to promise me you will think long and hard about. Will you forgive yourself if you turn around on shore, and see him alone in the lake? Would you have left him in the first place if I tell you now that maybe you were wrong? Maybe he was telling the truth and you didn't believe him. Because I already know what you can't see. Hope, love, and truth.

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