Chapter Twenty-Four

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The following Monday was the start of a day full of driving as the boys travelled from the airport to the first American destination – South Florida. They had spent the past nine hours cooped up in cubicles on a plane, and the lack of fresh air was driving them all crazy.

They had been met at the American airport by their tour bus, and Oliver, to take them to their final destination. After arriving, they would have the whole evening and night to sleep and almost two full days off before having to perform any shows.

During the journey from the airport to their ultimate destination, the boys sat to eat breakfast in the dining space. Harry walked in shirtless to lean against the kitchen worktop with Louis staring at him from the table. Liam was reading a book on the sofa with Niall and Zayn either side of him, both on their phones. Each of them had a bowl of cereal in a free hand as they chomped away happily.

"Morning babe," Louis grinned at his fiancé. He still couldn't believe it. Harry was going to be his! Well, I mean Harry was already his, but being twice as official was something he still couldn't comprehend.

"Morning sunshine," Harry beamed back whilst grabbing some toast. Harry wasn't a cereal type of person in the mornings. That was more of a midnight snack if you asked him.

"Can I ask you something?" Louis continued. Harry turned his head to face the sofa, only to notice that the other three boys were paying zero attention to their conversation.

"Of course."

"Can you fuck me tonight?" Louis chirped innocently, almost casual, as he smirked at Harry's cheeks glowing red and Niall choking on his cereal. Guess he was listening after all.

"Simple, but effective." James perked up. Harry hadn't even seen him. Great.

"Learnt it all from Haz." Louis smiled knowingly, not even half expecting Harry to share what they both were thinking. A small smirk grew across the younger boy's face as he took a sip of his tea.

"I've taught him quite a few things."

"And we're leaving!" Liam announced, standing up with four others trailing behind to eat their breakfast in the bunk corridor. Once they had disappeared, there wasn't any particular reason for Louis to keep his voice down. Well, there was one. It drove Harry mad.

"I want you to make me moan louder than you do when you push your dick inside me." Louis was seductive in Harry's ear. Harry had only fucked Louis a few times before; it had almost always been the other way around. He wasn't sure why and never thought to ask. That's just the way it was.

Harry could feel the blood rushing between his legs just at the sound of Louis's husky voice in his ear. He knew he needed to do something to get out of the situation before Louis noticed.

"Oh god. I'm taking a shower." He whispered back to the older boy, turning away and walking briskly to the nearest bathroom. He tried his best to hide his throbbing bulge, but Louis noticed everything. Not that he told Harry this; he just made a mental note that whispering in his fiancé's ear later would do the trick.

The rest of the day Harry spent staring at Louis from across the bus, keeping his distance in an attempt not to give in. His mind raced with scenarios of what he could do to the boy. What exactly did he want? He hadn't specified and Harry didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

Louis was leaning against the kitchen counter in the present moment; the same spot Harry had been stood in earlier. He was enjoying an afternoon snack even though he wasn't that hungry. Harry didn't need to know that though.

As he took another bite of the banana, he locked eyes with Harry and didn't dare blink, filling the other boy's heart with lust.

"Stop eye fucking, for God's sake!" Liam almost screamed from the other side of the room. He was playing 'Head's Up' on his phone with Niall and Zayn, the other two boys unaware of the situation behind them as their backs were turned.

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