Chapter Twelve

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Two weeks had turned into what felt like months as Harry and Louis regained their connection, laughing and talking until the sun slipped from the sky and the stars smiled upon them. They had been visited by Anne and the boys at points throughout the first week but had spent the past seven days alone, cherishing each moment as they shared memories from their time apart.

Louis was perched on the edge of the sofa staring at his phone screen as Harry nervously shuffled into the room. He was wearing a fitted black suit, bow tie undone as it hung lazily around his neck. The older boy gawped at the man stood in front of him as his heart palpitated against the skin of his chest.

"Fucking hell..." Louis exhaled to himself, slowly rising to his feet and approaching the boy. Harry smiled bashfully at his boyfriend's reaction. Yes, boyfriend.

It was their second date since they had reconnected. Louis had taken him to a firework display, intentions masked by the bright lights and candyfloss stalls surrounding them. Sweet smells floated through the air and filled their lungs with delight as the older boy dragged Harry by his fingertips onto the Ferris wheel.

Snaking his hand between Harry's thighs and squeezing gently, Louis closed his eyes and moved his head into the boys' neck. Sensing his lips gently pulsing against his skin, Harry's breathing deepened, and his head curled into Louis'. The older boy relocated his breath underneath Harry's ear before fluttering one word between them. "Boyfriend." It wasn't so much of a question, more statement, as Louis searched Harry's eyes for a response.

Harry's dimples pushed his cheeks into his gleaming eyes as he nodded, repeating the same word multiple times amorously before Louis cut him off. A wave of moisture overpowered Harry's lips as Louis took control of his mind, sending pockets of electricity to every cell in his body. Hands explored the realms at their touch, and knees nocked together aimlessly.

Harry's brain momentarily burst as a loud crack exploded in the sky. "I've got you, babe," Louis smiled back at the younger boy as he covered his ears consciously. Harry had never liked fireworks, but whilst wrapped in the warmth of Louis' arms, they almost became enjoyable, colours engraving patters into a black canvas of the night sky.


The boys were silent as they drove to the airport, a dull atmosphere creating tension between them. Harry had to get to LA for the premier of 'Don't Worry Darling' in three days' time. He argued with Louis as they left the house after his expressed uninterest in full security upon arrival didn't settle with the older boy.

The life of the London streets carried chatter and memories as people rushed to work. Children skipped happily down the paths; arms interlinked with a friend as they giggled endlessly. Tourists took smiling photographs of each other in front of the London eye and Louis pulled the car into the drop off zone of Heathrow airport.

Desperate to leave on a positive note, Harry leant into Louis and planted a kiss into his cheekbone before jumping out of the car and collecting his suitcase from the backseat. As his feet arrived at the entrance, Harry peered over his right shoulder and hesitantly sent a wave to the older boy who signalled back automatically, watching as he was picked up by security and escorted inside.

Louis arrived home to two awaiting empty suitcases. Carrying the contents of his wardrobe onto the carpet of the living room, Louis began to sort through the items he wanted to take with him. He was soon interrupted by a bang at the door. Confused, Louis turned the handle and used every last shred of civility he had to not roll his eyes at Simon.

He couldn't believe that he had the audacity to show up at his house. Louis absolutely detested the man after what he did to him. It wasn't unusual for Simon to show his face, after all he was under his contracts for a long time. Not anymore. Louis soon came to realise how much he was worth to Simon and was able to negotiate situations such as judging xfactor so that he had an input. Simon only cared about the money. He had only ever cared about the money.

"Going somewhere?" Simon questioned as he invited himself through the house. Louis was about to deny the allegations before sighting the extent of clothes strewn across the floor. Maybe he had made a bigger mess than originally planned. There were shirts falling out of suitcases and hangers stuffed behind pillows of the sofa as he scratched his head in search of a response.

"Just catching up with a few mates in LA for the weekend." Louis surprised himself as his tone of voice was convincing. If it wasn't for the date of the premier being so close, Simon would've believed him, just not quite this time.

"Oh good," Simon shot a fake smile in Louis' direction, "you can come with me on the jet. I have a meeting in LA tomorrow."

Thousands of excused flooded from Louis' mouth as he politely declined Simons' offer, continuing to pack his bags. Despite his best efforts, however, he still found himself sat in the leather seats of the jet a few hours later.

The plane ride was painful. Simon would not shut up and Louis had no time to plan quietly the next stage of his trip. If it went wrong, Simon better run. Fast. As his headache grew stronger and the plane landed, Louis thanked Simon and climbed into his ride, unaware of the black Porsche that tailed behind him.

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