Chapter Fifteen

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Gym equipment surrounded the boys as they endured their first session in preparation for coming back into the public eye. Harry was on the treadmill, AirPods blasting rap music on transparent mode as he checked Louis out in the mirror. He was pumping as many reps as he could from his biceps, trying his best to catch Harry's attention. It was working. They both smiled at themselves after making brief eye contact, content in each other's gaze.

A sudden yelp sounded from across the room followed by a sharp slap. Harry spun around to find Louis covered in water and Liam holding his cheek with one hand, a half empty bottle in the other. Louis started screaming in Liam's face as Harry turned the treadmill off, stepping towards the boys. Niall and Zayn had frozen, too stunned to know what to do.

Louis had been getting angry spells a lot lately. Harry's mind had been drawn to worry a few times but nothing serious ever came from his thoughts. Louis had never actually hit anyone before.

Niall's faint voice attempted to calm Louis, but a response was snapped across the room into his face. Harry appeared behind a still enraged boy and placed a firm but soft hand on his shoulder. He leant his face into Louis's and whispered caringly into his ear.


Louis shrugged his shoulder forcefully and a flicker of hurt pinched Harry's eyes.

"Not now." Louis pushed the words through gritted teeth as his fingernails sliced his palms under the pressure of his fists. He headed for the changing rooms, followed by a slightly phased Harry.

He stopped at the doorway as his eyes fluttered over the mystery that sat on the bench, forehead in his hands as he muttered inaudible words under his breath. His right leg was visibly shaking up and down and his fingers pulled at his hair. Harry crouched down at Louis's feet and placed a soft hand on his knee in an attempt to calm him.

"Babe..." he repeated.

"Harry, please leave, I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have." Louis was certain in his tone and the thought lingered in Harry's mind for a split moment.

"I'm not going anywhere." Harry's voice was soft and kind as he rubbed Louis's knee with his hand slowly.


The sudden volume caused Harry to retract his hand and fall backwards onto the hard floor, bruising his coccyx in the process. Louis brought his knees to his chest and buried his face in them, sobbing loudly. Harry didn't want to leave. He couldn't stand seeing Louis like this and not knowing the reason why. He had no idea what he could do to make it better either; that's what hurt him the most.

He perched in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall with his legs crossed in front of him. He was still facing Louis but ensured he left a good gap between them, enough to let him breath but close enough for him to know he hadn't left. He contemplated quietly over the words Louis had spoken, unsure when Louis thought he had hurt him.

The silence built for five minutes before Louis's voice carried itself to Harry. "Why did you stay when I was so horrible?"

"Lou..." Harry didn't know what to say.

"No Harry, I'm always hurting you and you always forgive me. Why do you stick around when all I do is fail? I fail you and myself and everyone around me is telling me I should be happy but how can I be happy when you're not? Seeing you hurt causes my chest to stab in pain and I'm angry that I can't stop it and the way I have no control over anything anymore makes me hate myself."

Harry was taken aback. Out of all the things going through his head, he didn't expect that. He uncrossed his legs and walked slowly towards the older boy, retaking his position crouched at his feet.

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