Chapter Twenty-Five

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The tour was a blast. Nothing could drop their spirits as they roamed country after country with their future husband. Wedding plans were already under way and they had exactly 18 months before the big day.

Harry and Louis were sat at the kitchen table currently arguing over which coloured roses they wanted in the centre of each table at the reception. Harry wanted baby pink. Louis wanted white. Harry sighed; he hated fighting with Louis. Desperate to change the subject, he suggested they drive to the nearest Starbucks to grab a coffee.

The windowpane of a small red Toyota was smashed to pieces, glass shards glistening on the floor. A yellow lorry was sat on top of the car whilst being wrapped around a tree, the driver screaming out for help.

Louis stopped the car abruptly, springing from his seat to help the screams. Harry scrambled to the back door of the car and frantically pulled against the handle in an attempt to pry it open.

The front half of the car was completely crumpled, the driver and passenger barely visible. Blood was everywhere, dripping down the fabric of the chairs and on the face of a little girl in the back seat. Her eyes fluttered shut as Harry screamed Louis's name, telling him to call 999.

As Harry moved forward to move the girl, he heard Louis's voice behind him. They said not to move them. It could worsen injury. The ambulance, police, and fire service were all crowding the scene within minutes. The metal sheers cut the roof of the car from the door, allowing the paramedics access to the little girl. It was clear at that point that the others didn't make it.

The girl was placed in the back of the ambulance with Harry as Louis followed in their car to the hospital. The ride was intense, and it passed Harry by in a blur.


Louis's knee was jumping up and down as they sat in the waiting room for any news of the girl's condition. All they knew so far was that she had been taken into immediate surgery and that her injuries were severe.

Harry placed a hand to Louis's knee in an attempt to calm him down as a doctor approached them. "Are you with Miss Wright?" He asked kindly.

Louis stared back at him, clearly in his own thoughts and not listening. The doctor continued. "The car accident?"

"Oh. Hi. Yes." Louis mumbled as the man gestured for them to follow him. He led them into a room where the girl was asleep, bandages and casts wrapped around most of her limbs. The doctor began to explain the situation to Harry as Louis stared at the almost lifeless body in the bed.

"Her parents died in the accident. She is in a critical state, multiple broken bones and torn ligaments. Thankfully, her major organs are still intact. She is expected to make a full recovery." The doctor turned and walked out of the room as Louis pulled up a chair next to the bed and sat with his head in his hands.

Harry chased the man into the corridor, catching his attention with an 'excuse me?'. The doctor turned around as Harry spoke. "What will happen to her after losing her parents?"

"She will be entered into the care system, most likely looking for a family to adopt her. They were her only relatives in the UK after moving from the US a few weeks ago."

Harry nodded, thanking the doctor once again before joining his fiancé in the room. He slid down the wall, staring at the ceiling before resting his eyes and waiting for the girl to wake up.

Louis eventually fell sound asleep next to an eagerly awaiting Harry. He had resorted to biting his nails and flattening his curls by running his hands through his hair, desperate for the little girl to awake. And then she did.

The skin covering her eyes invited Harry to absorb their beauty. A chocolate brown tint surrounded a hazelnut centre, masking the darkness of her pupil. Her face lit up as her eyes connected with the younger boy's expression and realisation of their presence flooded her smile.

"You stayed?" she whispered gently to Harry as he nudged Louis from his slumber. The curly lad nodded, a tear sliding down his delicate skin, as he responded with a soft "you're okay."

The girl reached out to wipe his cheek, a string of thank yous flowing from her mouth. Louis stood to his feet, manoeuvring his way out of the room in search of a doctor. Once successful, the two boys exited the room in order for the girl to be examined by a medical team.

"Bethany wishes to see you again." A voice had appeared in the doorway of the room, however, Louis was oblivious. Harry stumbled to his feet and passed through the doorway before the voice sounded again. "Mr Tomlinson?"

Louis finally raised his eyeline from being seated on the floor and acknowledged the woman. He slowly made his way over to the bed and held Harry's hand, both boys sharing their imaginary stories until she fell asleep once again.


Harry was snuggled into Louis's lap as the sun made its daily appearance. Bethany was awake in her bed, reading a book that she had found in the nightstand. As the sun cascaded onto Harry's face, his nose twitched and eyes fluttered awake.

"Good mor-" Bethany's eyes rolled into the back of her head as the steady beeping of the monitor ceased; a continuous noise of pure pain, yet emptiness, filling the room.

"NOOOO!" Harry's screaming cry jerked Louis into the situation, snapping his eyes open. Harry reached for Bethany's increasing colder hand and Louis bashed his fist against the emergency button, willing doctors to pile in and help.

As Louis's prayers were answered, he placed two hands on either side of Harry's waist to drag him from the room. The older boy held a sobbing body to his chest as they stood helplessly in the hallway.

"Not again. Not again. Not again." Harry recited until his ears received the relieving sounds of steady beeps and doctor's sighs. Louis held him tight, gently stroking his hair and rocking him from side to side as they prepared to endure the remaining time before they could take Bethany home.

(A/N: Ugh I hate writers block so much so sorry about this chapter being short and crappy. If it wasn't obvious – Louis and Harry have adopted Bethany.)

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