Chapter Fourteen

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The fire crackled orange sparks into the night, harmonising melodically with the soft toot of owls and flutter of wings. Camp circled the flames, enlightening the faces of five content boys. An empty chair filled the gap between Niall and Zayn as Harry had decided Louis's lap was more comfortable than the fabric of his chair.

Harry sat with his knees under Louis's arm, leaning sleepily against his shoulder. He could feel the warmth of the older boy's hand under his jumper, resting on his lower back, as they each shared memories from their times apart.

As Niall was amid telling a rather amusing story about a large flock of pigeons, Louis slipped his hand under the back of Harry's waistband. The younger boy fought to keep a straight face, failing miserably, as he burrowed his face into Louis's chest. Stroking his thumb over his bare skin gently made Harry blush and he closed his eyes in defeat, a small whimper escaping his lips, quickly shushed quiet by a giggling Louis.

A buzz vibrated the particles floating around their heads as Niall reached for his phone, opening a text message from James and reading aloud.

*text message*


Hey mate, document below as requested by Harry. Read with the boys and let me know!

Attachment: 1 document

He clicked on the link without hesitation and he stared at the screen briefly, processing the first few sentences alone.

"Well spit it out! What does it say?" Niall looked up, realising a grin had plastered its way across his face, as he cleared his throat and read clearly the beginning of the contract in Louis's direction.

This contract lays out the rights, legalities and logistics of Mr Harry Edward Styles and Mr Louis William Tomlinson in their possible signing with Corden Productions. They will hold the authority of authorisation when producing and writing music, both past and present, something which the courts have agreed to sustain from Sony Entertainment Limited and all connecting records. A further contract will follow to lay out the prospective ideas, plans and rights for the future return of boy band 'One Direction' under the management of James Corden.

Louis was stunned and speechless. A lump had formed in his throat as he turned, eyes glistening, towards a very chuffed Harry. "For you," Harry whispered against Louis' nose. A small tear rolled timidly down his cheek as a large, friendly hand wiped it away softly.

"We're doing it!" Niall announced after two heads bobbed in his direction silently. Louis whipped his head around to face them.

"But..." he began, "you will be dropped from your labels too!"

"Worth it, mate. We're in just as much of a hell hole as you guys were." Liam smiled knowingly at the oldest boy as Niall began to gently strum his guitar and Louis pulled Harry closer to his chest, chin in his curls as they each sorted through their thoughts, time slipping preciously through their fingers.

Zayn and Niall helped Liam put out the fire as Louis wrapped each of his hands around Harry's back and legs, lifting him carefully out of the chair. He carried him firmly to the inside of their tent, pulling his clothing from his body delicately and cocooning him inside their sleeping bag. Louis stripped too before sliding next to Harry and zipping up the side of the fabric, desperate to keep them warm. Louis kissed Harry's lips goodnight tenderly but quickly jolted his head back as a pressure opposed his mouth.

"I thought you were asleep", Louis chuckled.

"I just wanted you to carry me to bed." Harry pouted and bit his lip nervously, "I thought you wanted a kiss?" His puppy eyes ignited Louis' blood as lust burned through his heart.

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