Chapter Nine

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Matt Vines, Louis' UK manager, was located on the far side of the sofa with a sheet of white paper in his right hand. It contained elaborate scribbles in Louis' handwriting as the plan he held inside his head finally spoke itself. Louis was petrified, head in his hands, as he sat opposite Matt. As he raised his chin and caught Louis's eye. He smiled. "Okay."

"Okay? Okay wot?" Louis asked quickly as the nerves spilled from his mouth.

"Do it."

It was everything Louis wanted him to say, but somehow his head was finding faults with what had been written in front of them. "What about Simon?"

"The contract is over, Louis. He can't do anything anymore. I mean, he probably won't be happy about it, but let me worry about him. Are the boys helping you?" Matt was excited as he finally showed Louis the support he had wanted to for years. Louis nodded, biting his bottom lip.

Matt continued. "Anything I can help with, let me know." Louis couldn't help but smile, his sunshine smile that no-one had seen for years. Finally, there was a ball of light in his chest. And it read hope.


Louis held his phone to his ear, not entirely sure what he thought he was doing. It rang 3 times as he endured an agonising wait before a familiar voice sounded on the end of the phone. A soft, kind, voice that hadn't changed. Louis was grateful for that.


"Hey, yes it's me. I'm sorry if I've interrupting anything. Can we talk?" Louis was more nervous than he had ever been. What if she didn't want to talk to him? What if she hated him for what he had done?

"Of course, Louis. You can always talk to me." Louis could practically hear her smiling down the phone and he finally relaxed. Anne had always been like a second mother to Louis, especially since Jay passed, and he was eternally grateful for her forgiveness.

Louis had been silent, unsure what to say next. He half-hoped that she wasn't going to pick up and then he had an excuse not to ask for her help, but here she was, and her voice sounded again.

"What's up Lou?" She was the only other person who could call him that, alongside Harry of course.

"It's... um... about..."

"Yes?" Anne's voice was still calm; Louis liked that about her. She never got annoyed at any of the boys when they needed her help. It made him feel like he could trust her.

"Harry." Louis eventually whispered down the phone, holding his breath as a thousand things she may say ran through his mind. Instead, she didn't say anything, just nodding and making the odd noise or yes at the appropriate moments until Louis had finished explaining the plan.

"Good to have you back, Lou," Anne smiled as she expressed her farewells to the older boy, excited.


Louis spent the following three weeks preparing for the scariest moment of his life. Regular guitar lessons with Niall caused excruciating levels of frustration. It was as though anything Niall said went in one ear and out the other. Louis had never shown an interest in learning an instrument properly when they were in the band and had relied on electronic software since going solo. He was regretting those choices right about now.

Shopping trips with Liam were equally as stressful. Everything had to be perfect and Louis was irritated at the smallest of things. They had spent five hours in one shop because he couldn't find the perfect item. Five fucking hours that included more than twenty breakdowns. Liam had run out of apologies for Louis's shouting by the time he finally chose what he wanted.

And phone calls with Zayn were a breath of fresh air. He had lost touch with him since he split from the band and missed his wise words. He always knew what to say. Most of all, he understood how Louis felt. Turns out that Zayn felt similar ways about people he couldn't see under management's orders. All the boys had to reassure Louis more than once that he was doing this no matter what, and Louis eventually gave up trying to argue.


Three weeks of filming had brought the cast of 'Don't worry darling' to their last day on set. Everyone was set to go home that night and return a few weeks later for the premier. For Harry, he was going home to see his mum, Anne, and his sister, Gem. He missed them when he was in LA for long periods of time and hadn't seen them in months.

Harry was tucked away in his dressing room, knees to his chest as he gripped a black pen firmly in his right hand, a book in his left. The book was a dark brown, battered diary that had many stickers and engravings on from throughout the years. It was Harry's lyric book and once again, he was writing a song about Louis.

His creativity was interrupted by a pounding at the door. Olivia had come to collect him for his last scene. He smiled and quickly closed his book, stuffing it into his hand luggage ready for the flight. Following Olivia to the set, Harry remembered the first time he set foot there, the bubble of people and clinking of glasses filling his head. The sky had been different shades of orange and pink as he had thought deeply about Louis.

He was doing the same now but was getting better at making the fond memories stay happy in his mind. He had had long conversations on the phone with Gem as she slowly helped him see how it wasn't easy for Louis either. Harry almost felt ashamed for being upset over Louis leaving; he only did what he thought was best for the both of them. Trying to force a relationship with someone you who don't love never works.

A loud clap erupted from all around the room as Olivia finally shouted "Cut!". That was it; Harry could go home. As much as he was going to miss filming, he wanted to see his family and get back to normal life. Jeffrey had taken it upon himself to pack the suitcases into the car before Harry emerged from the building. Harry was grateful for that, so tired he just wanted to leave.

He hugged a few cast members goodbye and drove to the airport. Taking his seat casually, unaware of what would welcome him home.

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