Chapter Four

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Harry yawned; it was late. The moon sat proudly in the sky, accompanied by thousands of stars. Filming was intense; he constantly increased the standard of performance from himself. As he stepped outside and the sharp wind caught the end of his nose coldly, Jeffrey waved brightly from the front of the Land Rover.

Harry smiled gratefully as he furrowed his hands into his pockets and skipped over to the passenger side door. Pulling the handle gently, Harry climbed into the heated seat letting out another yawn in the process.

His face was lit dimly by the streetlights as they drove home, Jeffrey constantly glancing across at him with a worried expression on his face. Harry hadn't said a single word since entering the vehicle which was extremely strange for him. Jeffrey had never seen him so quiet.

As they pulled into the driveway of Harry's home, Jeffrey turned the key softly and the rumbling of the engine shut off the last hum of noise coming from the dark night. They both paused, Harry as though he was unaware that they had stopped at all and Jeffrey staring at him before breaking the intense silence.

"I'm coming inside," Jeffrey stated as Harry opened the car door. Harry nodded, unsure why Jeffrey didn't want to go home himself but too tired to ask questions.

As the key turned in the lock of the door, Harry pushed his way inside. He found his feet carrying himself to the living room sofa, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding in, as he fell backwards with a soft pound of the feathers adjusting to his weight.

Jeffrey returned from the kitchen with two streaming mugs of hot chocolate. The wisps of smoke flew around the top of the liquid, creating patterns and igniting the imagination of a curious Harry. As he watched the whisps dance away into the room, he smiled a fond grin, memories of a Christmas with Louis entering his mind.

A young Louis sat up excitably in bed realising that today was not only Christmas eve, but his 19th birthday, and we were spending the start of it together. I remember the way he looked that morning. His hair flopped over his forehead; eyes gleaming as I handed him a cup of hot chocolate. The duvet draped across his legs and his chest was bare, toes curled at the foot of the bed to ensure they stayed warm. I was almost shivering as I too wasn't wearing a t-shirt but unlike Louis, was not under the duvet.

I placed my cup on the dresser and crawled back under the covers, desperate to feel the warmth of his body on mine. I nuzzled my face into his chest and felt a soft pressure on my temple as he kissed me good morning. We watched the steam of the mug fill the space around us as he interlocked our fingers, rubbing his thumb across the palm of my hand. We led there for hours; cuddled, safe and warm. I'd never felt more at home.

"It's Louis isn't it?" Jeffrey's voice jolted Harry back to the room. Harry was stunned.

"How did you..." His voice cracked as he held back the tears once again.

"The look you make when you think of him hasn't changed in ten years, Harry." Jeffrey pointed out lovingly. Harry adjusted his eyeline down to the right and a small grin escaped his lips.

"There it is." Jeffrey winked as Harry's head shot up and his expression disappeared instantly, fading into a frown.

Harry's heart ached once again, sharp pains stabbing his lungs every time he breathed. He didn't understand why he felt so alone. He wanted to tell Louis everything, just hold him in his arms and tell him that everything was going to be alright again. He was broken, half empty. And Louis was the only one who could fill the void in his chest.

Jeffrey had known Harry long enough now to know what he was thinking. He could feel the longing for Louis radiating out of his skin and it sent shivers down his spine. He spoke, two words that sounded reassuring in his head but not so much when they broke free into the atmosphere.

"It's complicated."

It's complicated. He had heard those words before. I can't tell you exactly what's wrong with me, but I can tell you that I'm not going to be here much longer. Harry could still hear Jay's words echoing down the phone. It was a late Saturday night and he had called her to ask why Louis was crying in the shower fully clothed.

Harry, listen to me. I've known for a long time. At this point it's not a case of how many days or weeks, it's a matter of hours. I love you, Harry, and I love Louis too. So much.

"What do I do?" Harry had whispered.

Go. Go save Louis. Take him to the moon for me, okay?

And with that she had hung up, never to talk to either of them again. Harry couldn't help but think that he failed her. He hadn't taken good enough care of Louis. If he had, they wouldn't be as they are now. And it was with that thought that Harry broke down, curling into a ball and sobbing a river into his knees.

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