Chapter Nineteen

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Harry felt his eyes flutter open as a white light blinded his vision. A machine was beeping steadily in his left ear and his body ached all over. Sharp pricks travelled down his arm as he tried to move, multiple IVs knocking against his veins.

"It's best not to move, sweetie." A kind lady was talking to him. She was wearing a light blue pinafore uniform with a white shirt poking around her neckline, complimented by a wide smile. She looked quite young but was most likely in her mid-thirties. A gold badge sat neatly on her chest and read 'Laura'.

Harry nodded slowly as he rested himself back in the hospital bed, attention drawn to the warm sensation surrounding his hand. His eye line lifted to see Louis staring at him, lost for words, and he snatched his limb out of the boy's reach. Laura subtly noted the prominent movement Harry made and saw how hurt Louis looked. He still had no idea what was going on.

"Get out." Harry muttered quietly, staring at the white blanket lying over his body. Louis's eyes pricked with tears as he remained motionless, only opening his mouth to silent words.

"GET OUT!" Harry was shocked at the sudden raise in his volume but was proud of himself for standing his ground. Laura offered Louis a sympathetic look whilst agreeing with Harry.

"Maybe it's best if you wait in the area outside." As soon as he stepped foot into the corridor, the whimpers erupted into sobs, and he broke down into Anne's arms once entering the waiting room. He shared with them all an exact account of what had happened in the bathroom, and the words that Harry spoke before he did it.

Made me think that everything we had was real, when you really fell for her this whole time.

"Why would he think that?" Anne's voice was compassionate towards Louis and it was clear that somehow, she didn't blame him for this. Why, he had no idea. He shrugged his shoulders as his hands covered his face and he sat in the closest chair.

"Let me talk to him. It will be okay, Lou."

Two sharp knocks pounded against the wood as Harry whipped his head, smiling brightly at Anne stood in the doorway. She pulled a chair over to his bedside and took his hand.

"What happened?" Her voice was almost inaudible, and Harry immediately filled with guilt. He hated seeing his mother like this. He never wanted to cause her any pain, only stop himself from hurting so much.

"He said that he loves her, mum, not me..." and just like that, Harry found himself pouring his heart out to the only person he still fully trusted. She was patient, kind, as she listened carefully to the story he told. It wasn't long before Harry had finished, in tears, and she offered to fetch him a bottle of water.

Anne had been gone for more than fifteen minutes and Louis's scalp was not thanking him for the grip he had taken on his hair. His ears pricked as he heard her footsteps enter the room and everyone locked eye contact with her instantly.

Anne sighed before she spoke. She was desperately trying not to jump to conclusions. She prides herself on giving people the opportunity to explain their side of the story. "He overhead a conversation..." she threw a small glance in Eleanor's direction before continuing. "Between you and Eleanor." Her focus was solely on Louis as his lips pressed together and eyebrows creased in confusion.

"You said you loved her." Anne forced the words out from behind her teeth, biting back her tongue in order for Louis to respond. He was speechless; Harry hadn't been around him and Eleanor for years. And then it dawned on him.

"Oh shit." Louis proceeded to explain the events, outing Niall and Eleanor's relationship in the process. They didn't mind, though. Harry was more important than their secret. "What can I do?"

It was obvious to each of the boys that Anne had relaxed, the fear of a different situation having occurred had now disappeared from her mind. "Let me talk to him," Niall offered from the other side of the room.

"You sure?" Louis obviously wanted to be the one to explain everything to Harry. Although, giving it a second thought, Harry had looked as though he wanted to murder him the last time he was in the room.

Niall soon left to speak to the younger boy next door, nervous to enlighten him on the situation. Laura was in the room as he entered, checking Harry's vitals and organising his medication cart to his described layout. Niall started from the beginning, not leaving out a single detail, until he was out of breath and almost exhausted.

"You're lying." Harry was simple, straight to the point as always. Laura sent Niall an apologetic look as his face fell into his lap. He knew Harry was going to take some time to come around, but he never imagined he would just straight up not believe him. "You're covering for him."

"I'm not, Harry. I promise."

"Just leave, please, I've had enough. I just want to be on my own."

Reluctantly, Niall left. They all needed some time to process everything, Harry included. As they piled into their cars to head home for the night, Louis stared out of the window. He was angry. Hurting. Why couldn't he just have kept his mouth shut?

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