Chapter Thirteen

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(A/N: Ignore that the image is Dunkirk premiere - this is set as DWD)

Harry sat quietly in the back of the limo, gripping the door handle as he focused on his breathing. His hair was slicked to the side and his bowtie firmly gripped his neck. The motion of moving forwards suddenly stopped, and he could already hear the excited buzz of the crowd.

A plump gentleman dressed in a black suit released the door and offered him a hand, smiling widely. He escorted Harry to the interviewers situated on the other side of the red carpet and as he stood before them, they began hushing each other, pulling out their microphones and pre-planned questions.

Harry stood politely and answered the usual enquires with ease. "Have you brought anyone special with you today, Mr Styles?" A small lady spoke up. She must have been early twenties; a soft pink blazer extenuated her shoulders as she smiled up at the older man. He paused, unsure what to say, as they held their microphones to his face awaiting a reply.

"He brought me." The sudden sound behind him caused Harry to jump before grinning shyly at the floor. He knew that voice. Louis placed a soft hand on his shoulder, gripping gently, and turned him around to look into his striking green eyes. Harry met Louis's smug grin with a concerned stare as his hand stroked his arm gently, landing on his waist.

Louis could sense the apprehension in Harry's eyes. He was risking everything; he knew that. But god was it worth it. He took a small step towards the taller boy, intriguing him with his piercing blue eyes that roared with the waves of the ocean. Louis's warm breath drifted across Harry's nose as his touch relocated to the younger boys' chest, eyes wandering from eyes to mouth.

A small nod motioned in return, causing his chin to lift simultaneously with his ankles as their lips pressed together gently. The cameras clicked, and a thunder of applause from the cast held back in the distance as they melted into each other, Louis's arms embracing Harry's neck.

A stiffness froze the connection between the boys as Louis's body immobilised. A rough hand ripped into his shoulder as he came face to face with Simon. Louis held his breath, pure fear washing over Harry as he stepped back and retracted his hands from the boy's waist.

Simon began to remove Louis from the carpet, embarrassed and angry. As Louis's gaze traced patterns on the floor, they landed upon a pair of black boots stood before them. The laces were fishtailed and tucked neatly next to five letters embroidered into the cuffs. H, L, N, L, Z. The boy felt a wave of relief wash over his body as a familiar and stern Paul eyeballed Simon.

"Enough," Paul spoke as he pulled the mans' hand from Louis's shoulder, replacing it with his own and leading him back towards Harry. Simon found two intimidating men either side of him as they escorted him from the premises.

"Thank you," Louis whispered to Paul before his eyes met once more with Harry. As Paul winked at the curly lad, his longing couldn't supress itself any longer. He strode towards the two of them, eventually lifting a squealing Louis into his chest. Their foreheads crashed together as he threw his legs around Harry's waist, slowing getting dizzy from twirling on the spot.

Louis collided his lips with the other boy's, desperate for one last moment, before Harry lowered him slowly to the floor. "Ready?" Louis asked, smiling as he pulled away slightly. He received a timid nod before the pressure around his waist reduced and he straightened Harry's tie, laughing faintly. Louis interlocked their fingers as they turned to face the cameras fully and walked down the carpet together, hand in hand.

Harry was more excited than a kid at Christmas as they spoke to interviewers all night, the younger boy noticeably very quick to introduce Louis as his boyfriend. The fond grin implanted itself into the smaller boy's face as he admired the loveable nature Harry radiated constantly.

Joined at the hip all night, they eventually got asked for autographs from a few fans awaiting their arrival at the door of the theatre. As Harry took the black marker from the teenage girl to sign her phone case, he paused and turned to face Louis.

"What do I sign as?" Louis's head whipped to face Harry as he started to laugh.

"Harry Styles. We're not married yet, babe."

Harry smiled at himself as he continued signing random items, one word ringing through his head. Yet.


Still unaware that he was Louis's lock screen, Harry tapped the older boy's phone to see the time. His was turned off completely and Louis's was on airplane mode to prevent unwanted calls from Simon.

"When did you take this photo?" Harry asked, not quite placing the memory in his mind.

"Niall sent it to me." Louis grinned.

Harry smiled and let his head sink into his pillow, pondering over what they will do next. After being fired (their new contracts didn't mention each other but making it public knowledge that they were gay was still against the terms) they won't be able to produce music, something they both still want to do.

As Harry slipped under the duvet, Louis turned his phone on momentarily, opening Instagram and selecting one of his favourite photographs of the two of them.


Always in my heart, forever in my arms @harrystyles <3

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Always in my heart, forever in my arms @harrystyles <3

They turned off the lights and Louis rested his body into Harry's, intertwining their legs as they fell asleep.

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