Chapter Ten

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Louis was travelling in the back of Liam's car, drowning in nerves and candles. Chuckling, Liam caught his expression in the rear-view mirror. He hadn't seen him this nervous since their very first live performance on stage at the xfactor; Louis didn't do nervous very often.

"Don't laugh at me, you prick. I'm shitting myself." Louis snapped as a smile appeared on his rosy cheeks.

"I can see that!" Liam laughed loudly as Louis joined in, washing away a few nerves before arriving at Harry's house. Louis pulled a key from his pocket. It was silver, a green sticker boldly located at the end, signifying this was indeed Harry's door key.

The wheels of the car came to a halt and Louis let out a deep sigh. Liam sent a reassuring look his way and grabbed the shopping bags from the back. Louis unlocked the door, taping a sign to the front before entering.

The scent of Harry overpowered him as he stepped inside the door. He felt his knees almost buckle from under him as the sensation that he had longed to feel for so long rushed to every inch of his body. His eyes closed; mouth parted slightly as he imagined Harry's shy face staring back at him. They were home. He was home.

"Ready?" Liam asked as Louis stood aimlessly in the hallway.

"Ready." Louis clarified, picking up some of the bags and getting to work.


Harry dropped Gem back home after his meal at Anne's house, before he pulled his car into the driveway and his attention was immediately drawn to the note situated on the door.

Roses are red,

My eyes are blue,

Follow the lights,

I have something to tell you.

As Harry slowly turned the key in the lock of the door and pushed it open, he immediately noticed the lights were off and the curtains drawn. Either side of his feet were orange hues, glowing brightly. Two rows of candles creating a path that appeared to be leading to the following room. Dumping his bags on the floor, Harry cautiously stepped down the path, heart beating so fast he thought he might pass out.

And then he almost did. He found himself framed under the doorway; attention grasped by a pair of eyes that he had been dreaming of for the past five years. The blue glow illuminated the room as Harry stood, his mouth ajar, and Louis strummed the first chord of the song.

The guitar was resting on his knee, his hair covering his eyes every time he looked down at his hands. His voice was raspy, nervous so electrifying Harry wanted to scoop him up and hold him until they fell asleep. His baggy white shirt hid the chest that Harry longed to touch, and his ripped black jeans were hugging his legs vulnerably.

Harry was stood in the doorway of the room, leaning slightly against the wall. His hair was loose and curly, his eyes beaming in Louis' direction. His legs crossed as his jeans hung loosely above his ankles and his black vest exposed each of his tattoos down his arms. Louis was struggling to get through the song; every time he looked at Harry he just wanted to stop and stare. He was expressing everything he had ever wanted to say, most importantly "sorry".

Harry was fonding over how Louis' small hands were shaking between each strum, before realising that tears were escaping his own eyes as Louis played. Harry couldn't wait any longer.

Before Louis could strum the last note, a power of warmth engulfed his breath, sending sharp tingles to every inch of his body. A burning sensation heated his waist as he realised that an all too familiar hand was squeezing his hip bone, pulling him to his feet. The guitar lay to the side of the boys, forgotten in the moment. Harry was kissing him. Harry, the person he abandoned, and thought would never love him again, was kissing him.

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