Chapter Thirty

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"Louis, what are you doing?" Harry asked hoarsely as he woke up half-heartedly. He could hear sounds coming from somewhere, and as he turned over to wrap the smaller boy in his arms, he realised that he wasn't there.

Harry peered at the clock to see it read 2:24am. "Ugh." Harry threw the covers from his legs and went in search of Louis in their en suite bathroom. The sight made him stop in his tracks. Harry rubbed his eyes to ensure that he wasn't still dreaming before raking his eyes over his fiancé.

Now would probably be a good time to mention that it was the morning of their wedding, and along with the theme in their relationship, it was nowhere near traditional. They still had a few elements that they took from a typical wedding, such as not seeing each other's outfits before they walked down the aisle and getting ready separately, but they weren't keeping away from each other on the morning of the big day.

Harry's mouth hung open as he watched Louis firmly thrusting a dildo in and out of his ass whilst bending over the bathtub. "Babe, what are you doing?" Harry chuckled as he walked closer. Louis was still unaware of his presence.

Harry's laugh ceased as he looked to Louis's other hand. He was holding his phone, watching a video that was adding to his sounds. The younger boy didn't know what to do. They had always promised that they wouldn't get off to porn whilst they were together. They would always ask if they needed anything and they wouldn't source pleasure from elsewhere. Harry wasn't sure what to think. Here, the morning of their wedding, Louis was breaking his promise.

On the verge of tears, Harry opened his mouth to shout when Louis cut him off with a loud moan. "Harry, fuck, do that again!"

Wait, what? Harry was confused. He wasn't doing anything to Louis, so what would he ask for him to do it again? As he took another step forward, the screen came into Harry's view and the younger boy furrowed his eyebrows.

The scene looked familiar. Two guys in the back of a car. The view of the camera was positioned from above the side door and was pointing directly at someone's ass. Only it wasn't just any two guys, it was them.

Louis continued to watch himself being fucked by a stick of rock, curtesy of Harry, before the younger boy laughed and Louis snapped his head around to meet his gaze. Harry reached out to remove the phone from Louis's grip, placing it on the side and standing behind the boy.

Harry took control over the toy, pumping the dildo in and out of Louis until the boy came untouched. Just as Louis was coming down from his high and trying to control his breathing, Harry pulled down his boxers to release his hard member.

The younger boy removed the dildo before clasping Louis's hip bones. Harry pushed in, completely raw, and Louis moaned in a mix of pleasure and pain.

"H-Harry. What are y-you doing-g?"

"Bad boys get punished, Louis. You should have woken me up." Harry continued to pound relentlessly into Louis as the older boy grew hard again, whimpering and moaning in oversensitivity. Harry quickly found Louis's prostate, pressing harder and deeper than before.

"Please, Harry, I need to c-cum," Louis begged.

"Wait, baby. Wait for me."

Louis couldn't wait. He reached his hand to his cock, covering two fingers in precum and slipping them into Harry, causing the younger boy to fuck himself each time he drew out of Louis.

"Fuck, Louis."

Harry pressed their bodies closer together so the other boy has less distance to reach and his fingers could slide in further. Both of their actions became sloppy as their reached their climax, Harry tugging on Louis's cock in order to signal for him to cum.

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