Chapter Twenty-Three

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Four of the boys chatted excitedly the following morning around the dining room table whilst eating their breakfast. Louis was still asleep, and Harry decided to let him rest so he had enough energy for the show that evening.

James received a phone call to inform him that he was needed inside to prepare for soundcheck. "Get dressed and chill out until we come and get you. No more activities." He stressed the last word in Harry's direction who was leaning against the countertop sipping a cup of tea.

He grinned cheekily and gestured towards their bedroom. "Nah. He's too tired from last night anyway."

Niall spat his coffee back into his mug at the bluntness of Harry's words. "Told you," James laughed at the flustered boy. As James left, Harry poured Louis a cup of tea and walked back into their room. He leant across the bed, placing a soft kiss to his forehead, feeling him stir and wake up.

"Harry," he whispered hoarsely.


"I love you." Louis opened his eyes at his beaming boyfriend, kissing him warmly good morning.

"I love you too."


The boys walked back into the arena having forgotten how big it really was. Their set list was confirmed, and they sang each one in order, starting with a new song from the album and finishing with 'Little things' upon Harry's request.

The atmosphere was no different to before hiatus, laughs and playful behaviour filling the stage. The same groans came from management as they tried to keep them focused during rehearsal, something they never could do.

Harry pulled Liam aside to ask for a favour whilst James allowed them a short break so he could figure something out over the intercom. Liam agreed, smiling widely at Harry before they both finished rehearsal and wandered backstage.

Harry instantly spotted a sofa and took advantage of it in his tired state, sprawling his limbs across the length of the cushions. Louis, looking for attention, threw himself on top of Harry's body as the younger boy laughed, kissing his temple and embracing him into his arms.


Louis woke up, still snuggled into Harry's chest, as the crew and other boys raced around them preparing for the show. Liam noticed that he had woken up and strode over to the sofa.

"Give us a hand, H." Liam said whilst poking his friend's face. Louis slapped his hand away from the sleeping boy instantly.

"You don't get to wake him up. That's my job." Louis turned back to Harry, smiling as he pressed his lips to his. Harry's eyes fluttered open. "Evening, beautiful," Louis whispered.

Harry smiled at his adorable boyfriend before his attention turned to Liam's voice. "Are you guys gunna help or what?" Harry laughed and Louis rolled his eyes as he climbed off the boy and started to set up for the show.


The crowd were wild. The boys had forgotten the feeling of playing live in front of this many people. It was incredible.

The set was almost perfect as they came to the end of their second to last song. Harry locked eye contact with Liam and nodded discreetly before Liam announced he needed the toilet. "Harry, tell some jokes whilst I go pee."

Harry agreed, pretending to think for a moment before turning to Louis. "Oh, I've got one, Lou."

"Okay. Wot is it?"

"Knock knock." Louis groaned. Not another knock knock joke.

"Who's there?"


"Marry who?"

Harry took a deep breath, hand reaching to the back of his jeans as he pulled out a small square box and fell to one knee. The crowd gasped and Louis's jaw dropped, stunned.

"Marry me?"

Harry bit his lip nervously as he opened the small black box, revealing a single silver band that lit up the entire room.

"Fuck yes." Louis stepped towards Harry as he stood up, sliding the ring onto his shaking hand before Louis jumped into his arms, kissing him passionately.

"HE SAID YES!" Liam screamed into a microphone, sliding his phone into his pocket after filming Louis's reaction on Harry's request. The crowd were louder than ever as Harry span the older boy around before standing together next to Harry's microphone, hand in hand, to sing 'Little things'.

And I'm in love with Lou. And all his little things.

As the song finished, Harry carried his fiancé off stage in the same way he did all those years ago; the day the band was formed. This time, however, their kiss backstage occurred uninterrupted as they melted into each other and the world drifted away.

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