Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A/N: Another update! Hope you enjoy!

Time jump of 10 months

The corridors were silent as Bethany and Hattie strolled down them side by side. Hattie threw silently worried glances in the other girl's direction, taking her attention away from the footsteps approaching them. Bethany's mind was caught in a trance. The news of Miss Brown's death had reached her the previous day.

I approached the PE office door after my form tutor had told me that Miss Freeman had requested to see me. I thought it was a bit strange but headed down there anyway.

I knocked cautiously on the door, only to have it pulled back and I laid my eyes upon a distraught Miss Freeman. She smiled weakly, wiping a tear from her cheek, before gesturing for me to sit down so she could hand me a package.

The small parcel fitted perfectly into the palm of my hand. It was wrapped in shiny silver paper and I could see my blurry reflection staring back at me. As I slowly peeled the tape from the paper, a cardboard square fell into my lap. On one side of the card was a paragraph of handwriting that I instantly recognised as Miss Brown's.

'Bethany, I want you to have this as a reminder that I will always be with you. You are my angel, and I will never forget you. You are so much stronger than you will ever know, and I know that no matter what, you will flourish into such an incredible young lady. I have grown to love you since you started in September. Keep me in your heart, Miss Brown x'

"You reminded her of her daughter, Elisa. She would be the same age as you now if she were still here." Miss Freeman explained. "She died when she was 4 of cancer and Miss Brown moved here to try and get away from the baby's father. He never forgave her for their daughter's death despite it not being her fault. She took that pretty hard. I guess you could say that he convinced her that it was."

On the opposing side of the card was a silver necklace, the chain of which allowed an angel charm to hang delicately from the metal. The angel was holding a diamond shaped heart that soon blurred as my face was overcome with sadness.

I'm not sure how I put two and two together at that point. Whether it was the way Miss Freeman had described Miss Brown's daughter or the similar behaviours that both she and Mr Taylor showed towards me, I didn't know. Either way, I had to ask.

"Mr Taylor. Is he Miss Brown's ex-boyfriend? The one she left with no explanation? The father of her baby?"

"Yes. She left when she found out that he cheated when she was pregnant. Once Elisa fell sick, she moved both of them into her mother's home before coming here when Elisa passed."

I just nodded, thanking Miss Freeman and heading back to class. That explained why he despised me so much.

Bethany's angel hadn't left her neck since.

Bethany hit the floor with a thud, groaning in pain as Josh stepped forcefully on her ankle. She could make out the muffled screams behind her as one of his friends pinned Hattie against the wall with a hand over her mouth in an attempt to draw the least amount of attention possible.

Josh laughed mockingly at Bethany's cries of pain before commanding her to stand. Once she had stumbled to her feet, he jammed his hand around her throat and pressed her against the lockers. Drawing back his other arm, Josh threw striking punches across her face repeatedly until his hand were covered in her blood and her nose was out of shape.

A door in the distance opened slightly and the soft noise ricocheted like a thunderstorm in the deadly silent corridor. Josh and his mate made themselves scarce as Hattie carried her best friend into the nearest toilet.

The girls cleaned themselves up, taking two paracetamol tablets (a common essential in a girl's handbag) and changed into their PE kits. As Bethany removed her jumper, fresh cut marks littered her arms and Hattie knew that there wasn't anything she could say that would make her friend stop unless the bullying was brought to a close. Let's just say that the previous incident was becoming an occurrence far too common during their lunch hour.

Hattie's driver pulled both girls up in front of Bethany's house once the last school bell had rung for the day. Politely thanking him, Bethany collected her belongings and made her way into her own house.

As Bethany shuffled into the kitchen, Harry was brewing two cups of tea. "Dad, can we go somewhere for the weekend? Like tonight?"

Harry raised his eyebrow but quickly agreed after witnessing the plead in her eye. He ran the idea past Louis and before she knew it, they were packed into their motorhome and making their way from London to Southampton beach.


A few hours later and Louis pulled up into the campsite, causing Bethany to awake from her short nap. The boys jumped out to tend to the immediate jobs, plugging in the electric cables and setting up the bathroom, as Bethany got changed into some warmer clothes. Just as she was tying her laces, Harry came back through the door to boil the kettle.

"I'm just going to the beach for a bit. Need to clear my head."

"Okay. Be safe, I love you."

They shared a small smile as she hopped down the steps, shoving her hands into her pockets and making her way down the road. Just as Bethany disappeared from view, Louis leant against the side of the van to stare at Harry through the open door.

At the sight of his fiancé, Harry giggled and stepped out of the warmth. In true Harry style, the younger lad managed to trip and land in Louis's arms, being laughed at hysterically.



Louis's cackle soon moulded into a soft giggle as he gazed into Harry's emerald eyes. "You shoulder be more careful, Haz. People might think you're falling for me."

"I am," Harry whispered. "Now kiss me you fool."

Louis didn't need to be told twice. He leant in slowly, attaching his lips tenderly to the younger boy's as he pushed Harry up against the outside of the motorhome. Their mouths sculpted together, Louis nibbling on Harry's bottom lip to extract the moans he craved dearly.

Louis could feel Harry's bulge increasing in size as he rolled his hips forcefully into the boy's erection, causing a string of swear words to fall from Harry's mouth into his own. Just as he recognised the familiar tightness in his own jeans, the kettle sounded with a click and he stepped back.

"Kettles boiled," Louis winked at the now red cheeked and flustered boy in front of him who was staring in disbelief.

"Tease," was all Harry muttered before following Louis back into the motorhome, hugging him tightly from behind to ensure that he pocked Louis's ass and sucked a purple mark into his neck before sulking into the living room.

Bethany reached the beach, the sand slotting between her toes as the sun cascaded shades of pink, orange and yellow over her head. The clouds danced happily as the crashing of the waves echoed through her ears and the salty air wafted under her nose.

The soft hum of the night lay delicately in the air once night fell, and she picked herself up to wander back home. Opening the door carefully, she smiled at the sight on the sofa. Louis was curled up safely into Harry's chest, fast asleep, as Harry drew intricate and soothing patterns on his back.

"Goodnight dad," she whispered softly, heading into her room after receiving a goodnight from Harry. Darkness overtook both boys as they lay in the same position till the sun rose the following morning.

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