𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐕. Nothing Like Us

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It has been a week since he started visiting them, he was so happy that he got the chance to spend more time with them.

Lisa was still the same.

"Are you done with the divorce papers?"

She kept on asking that over and over and it never failed to make Jungkook horrible but he just acted like she never said that after shaking his head.

Now Jungkook stood up on the front door, having second thoughts of giving her the paper now. He held the envelope firmily on his hands that is already sweating.

His hands made its way to the door bell as he groaned and his the envelope behind him. The door opened revealing the girl that owns his heart.

"Why are you so early?"Lisa yawned, placing a hand on her mouth. Jungkook flashed a smile.

"Well I just thought that it'll be better if I came early on our last day together"Lisa was confused at what he just said. He said that he will stop until her wedding day.

is he giving up on me? on us?

"I have to go to Busan tomorrow. My mom is sick, I have to take care of her"Jungkook explained as Lisa was getting worried about his mom.

Lisa nodded as she gestures him to go inside.

"Are you going somewhere today?"Jungkook asked, glancing at Lisa who is staring at the envelope.

"O-oh, no why?"Lisa ripped her eyes off the envelope as she settled her gaze on Jungkook.

His lips tugged upwards forming a small sheepish smile while scratching his nape. "I wanted to spend my time with you and the kids"

Lisa sighed, feeling heavy inside as she placed the envelope on the table. The envelope that is full with sadness.

"Okay, sure"A huge smile formed on Jungkook's face, perfectly exposing his bunny teeth, it has been ages since she saw his genuine smile.


The four of them sat snuggled up under a blanket on their couch. Their kids was between them which made Jungkok pout.

"What if we'll just place the kids on our laps?"Jungkook suggested with a smile on his face, hoping that Lisa would agree.

"Why? The couch is big enough for us"Lisa removed her eyes off Jungkook as she turned back her gaze on the television.

Jungkook sighed in defeat, he picked the remote from the table in front of them and started to choose a perfect movie.

When the movie plays on the big screen, Jungkook took the time to glance at Lisa who is eating her candies peacefully while watching the movie.

A small smile appeared on Jungkook's face as he found her very cute, she's still the old Lisa who loves candies.

He had the urge to pull her on his body and hug her tightly, feeling her warm body against him and kiss her for the last time. But he knew Lisa wouldn't do the same mistake that she did in the other world.

Throughout the whole movie, Jungkook kept on thinking if what would it feel when he didn't cheat on the first place. They could've been a happy family now.

That's for being dumb.

When the movie ended Jungkook glanced on his wrist watch as he saw it was already 10, who knew that movie could take two hours without them noticing.

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