𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐈. Frustrated

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"Yah! Jungkook you almost gave us a heart attack!"Jennie shouted and held her chest.

"What? I just wanna go home"He raised a brow and Jennie sarcastically laughed.

"Really Jungkook? I thought you wanted to stay here, and then suddenly you panicked that made us thought that there was a problem and you just wanted to go home?"Jungkook just started at her nonchalantly but remembering that he still have to find Kween he immediately got in the car.

"Come on guys, I forgot that I still to do something important."Jungkook said as he completely ignoring Hana's presence.

Lisa noticed and and felt a little bit happy for him that he finally realized that she just used him for money.

Hana just silently sat at the back of the car. Taehyung found it weird because Hana usually keep on talking to Jungkook about expensive things.

He just shrugged it off and focused on driving.

After a few minutes of driving Lisa fell asleep on Bambam's shoulder and Jungkook saw it. He felt the waves of pain and regret wash over him again but he can't do anything because he was the one who cheated.

Even if reality hits him, he is still holding onto a piece if hope that Lisa and him will get back again.

First love never dies, right? He chuckled at the thought. Even if Hana was his first girlfriend, Lisa was his first kiss and love.

He bitterly chuckled when he remembered what Taehyung said on the other life.

"Hana again?! I already warned you that she is a gold digger!"

'So V hyung was right all this time' He thought deeply regretting all his decisions.

Maybe if I fixed things right with her instead of cheating ,maybe she's still mine, maybe if I thought about our child before I cheat, we're still living a happy life right now but sadly, I did the wrong decision.

He stopped being emotional when he realized that they already reached their destination.

"We're going home tomorrow, let's rest now"Jungkook said before getting off the car and slummed the door shut creating a loud bang.

The others wondered what happened to Jungkook, he look so down.

Meanwhile Lisa started to get worried about him. The sight of Jungkook being sad made her heart drop.

When she noticed that the others was still busy talking, she took the chance to follow Jungkook but before she could enter the house, a strong hand gripped her wrist.

"Where are you going?" Bambam asked.

"oh, uhm, I'm gonna check up on Jungkook." she answered, trying to get off his grip but he didn't budge.

"He's stressed Lis, he needs time." Bambam stated calmly as she nodded.

Lisa then heaved a sigh and looked at her boyfriend, "You're right, he needs time."

The two went back to the group leaving Jungkook all alone frustrated inside the house and headed towards his room.


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