Chapter 1

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"Hey y/n, Hayley can't take care of Jack tomorrow, can you watch him?" I stood up holding the phone to my ear, walking into the kitchen.

"Sir, I have class in the morning. I can't afford to miss it, maybe I can watch him afterwards, what time do you need me there?"

Hotch understood that my classes had to come first.

Hayley doesn't even have a job so why the hell can't she watch him. I get it's my job but how is a mother that is always available suddenly unavailable.

"Around 9AM", that cut right into my class. I got a glass of water and sat on the counter.

"Hotch I'm sorry, If it were any of my other classes I wouldn't mind but I can't." He sounded stressed, at this moment he would be constantly running his hand through his hair. "Can you get here after?"

"Yeah that works... Hotch- are you alright?" He let out an exhausted sigh, "Yeah... I haven't been sleeping lately." I felt bad for him, he was always being overworked. The man just needed a break, vacation, something.

I turned around checking the clock, I had time. "Are you with Jack?"

"Yeah, Hayley's out."

"How about I come over and take care of Jack and you can get some sleep." I hopped off the counter putting the glass into the sink and heading to my bedroom.

I knew he'd say yes, even if he didn't want to; the man needed rest. "You don't have too", I sat on my bed putting on a pair of shoes and grabbing my keys.

"I insist, sir you need sleep. I'll be there in ten minutes."

I walked out of my apartment and got to the parking lot, getting into my car. I drove out of the parking space and went to Hotchs house.

Seeing the clock above the radio I saw the time, 9PM.

Technically it wasn't 'late' but to me it was; I was constantly working on my essays and homework. I didn't really have time for anything.

I pulled into his driveway, and knocked on his door. I waited a moment then heard his footsteps getting closer to the door. He opened it and he gave me a tired smile. "Thank you... really."

"It's no problem, I can tell you're stressed." He walked me into his living room. Jack was asleep on the couch. "Aw he's sleeping, and you couldn't handle it."

I saw a smile tug on his lips, "Ha ha, he just got to sleep. I have work I need to finish. Having a five year old that constantly wants your attention and refuses to sleep isn't easy."

I set my bag on the table and sat down making myself comfortable, "Well I got him taken care of, go take care of yourself Hotch."

He hung his head low going down the hallway, but peaked around the corner, "I forgot to say there's food in the fridge... help yourself."

I stayed on the couch for an hour before getting up to the kitchen. My stomach growled I swore you could hear it from outside. Looking in the fridge I saw a container of spaghettis; I took it out and put it into the microwave.

While I waited for that I figured Jack wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. I went over to him and picked him up. His head laid on my shoulder as his light snores filled the hallway.

Going into his room I laid him on the bed and covered him up. Still sleeping he pulled the blanket tighter around his body.

I was startled when I heard the front door open and shut. I cautiously peaked around the doorframe to see who it was.

The Stuggle of Loving You    | a. hotchner | ✔Where stories live. Discover now