Chapter 41

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I woke up with dried tears on my face, looking around I saw the position we were in. Aaron was sitting with his back against the headboard and I was in his arms.

I guess he got too tired and fell asleep, I don't remember.

Reaching for my phone it was over six hours later, based on the time the team would already be at the station but they didn't text Aaron or I.

I had four other missed calls from the unknown number, I didn't know who they were or why they were calling.

I started getting up and I guess the dips in the bed woke Aaron up, I felt his hand on my forearm, I turned to look at him.

"Are you alright?" He let me go and I started grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste. "For now, I'm just preparing."

"They're going to ask questions, you know?" He sat at the edge of the bed and had the sheet pulled over him, he yawned still shaking off the sleepiness.

"Yeah I know, as long as you're there I'll be fine." I smiled at him, shut the door behind me and took a shower. While I was gone from his sight Aaron thought about how I was going to handle being interrogated by the team.

They needed answers and they were going to assume that I had them. The team would go about it as nicely as they could because it was so close to home for me.

I was already connected to three bodies and they couldn't wait for someone else I loved to drop in front of me.

He got ready silently and left before I was finished. I had drove to the hotel so I could driven to the station. When I got out of the bathroom the bed was made, things were picked up around the room.

If I was about to be grilled by everyone I would at least need some coffee.

I got to the station twenty minutes later and waited in the conference room for everyone. They were all busy getting breakfast while I stayed getting ready. I heard their voices from down the hallway, they were getting closer and closer.

The conversation died down by the time they turned the corner and saw me sitting there. Settling in, Aaron sat down next to me and gave me the breakfast he had bought.

The team eyed me down as I ate, I grew anxious.

I saw the look in their eyes, they felt sorry for me but also saw me as a criminal in a way. I couldn't really describe it the best but it made me feel sick, I was the reason this was happening.

"Y/n are you ready?", Aaron said. I nodded and rested my hand in Aarons under the table, I knew they probably could tell... I didn't care.

"What do you wanna know?", they shared looks and Rossi moved from the wall and came closer to me. "Did you know them, the victims I mean."

"Yeah, they were my friends for about three or four years. After college we didn't really keep in touch, I didn't know where they ended up", I said quietly, looking down at the table. Aaron interlaced our fingers and I tightened my grip.

"Did any of you have any common enemies?" Morgan asked.

"Not that I can recall, Chloe was outgoing and social but everyone liked her. Anthony and Andrew were joined at the hip with the same situation as Chloe, no one ever had a problem with them. I mean with their jobs it could be completely unrelated to me."

"Y/n you know the odds that this doesn't involve you is slim to none, guys can we admit for one second that this guy is probably coming after her next." Emily said after a few seconds of silence.

"She doesn't need to be thinking about that right now", Aaron was stern.

"Hotch what are we supposed to do? I'm sorry but we can't pretend that everything is okay right now."

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