Chapter 17

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Shifting in my sleep, I could sense someone behind me. Feeling their hands around me, their body pressed with mine. My mind went to yesterday; remembering the day and seeing Aaron. The thought brought a smile to my face. I turned to my side and saw his face.

Looking content, his face was relaxed from his usual stern face. I nestled into his embrace more, scooting closer. I rested my hand on his chest and placed a kiss. I went back to sleep wanting to stay like that forever.

When Aaron woke up, it was 6:30AM. He noticed me laying on him and he grinned kissing the top of my head. His internal clock woke him up so he wasn't able to fall back to sleep, me on the other hand could've stayed there for hours.

He knew it was time to get up; slowly taking my arms away from his body, he scooted out of the bed.

He quietly got dressed, and got his keys leaving the apartment. Aaron drove over to his place and grabbed a few pairs of clothes knowing that I'd ask him to stay for the day. He grabbed a second pair of pants and a shirt.

Changing into some sweat pants and a white t-shirt. He threw his clothes into the hamper and left, going back to my apartment.

He walked back inside and locked the door behind him. Taking quiet steps, he came back into the bedroom and he saw I was still sleeping. Knowing I'd wake up in a bit he went back out to the kitchen and started the coffee.

Aaron waited, going into the living room and turning down the tv. He scrolled through the movies on Netflix and settled on a documentary.

I woke up feeling the cold spot next to me. The sun was still rising, I looked around for Aaron not seeing him. I rubbed my eyes and sat up against the headboard. He wouldn't leave without saying anything.

Getting up, I walked to the bathroom brushing my teeth. Going out into the living room there he was. Laying down on the couch with a cup of coffee. Internally smiling I went over to him, he noticed me.

"Morning", he said scooting over so I had room next to him. Not taking the spot I decided to lay on him, sitting between his legs while being on his chest.

He chuckled and hugged me closer to him. "Hey", I mumbled into his chest.

"If you look over to your right you will see a mug... it's yours", I looked over and saw it on the table. Moving over I picked it up, took a sip and laid back down.

"How are you feeling?", I rested my chin on his chest looking up at him.

"Pretty damn good", a grin spread across my face. He bought his hand and cupped the side of my face, pulling my bottom lip with his thumb.

"Good, also I just wanna point out that you look great from this angle."

"Oh you like this do you."

He hummed in response, dipping his head down and capturing my lips in his. He pulled away and rested his head back on the cushion. "What're we watching?", I turned my gaze to the side looking at the tv.

"A documentary... really."

"There's nothing wrong with learning something new", I scoffed and laughed.

"Of course you'd say that... old man." I teased. Aaron nudged my side and he pulled me in more. I yawned out and completely relaxed, 'resting my eyes'.

I went back to sleep clinging onto Aaron. He heard the soft snores coming from me and he looked down. In my sleep I brought my legs up and moved upwards.

My lower half was completely on his lap. He cursed to himself and focused on what he was watching.

Not remembering the fact that I was pressed against him.

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