Chapter 22

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I stared at the ceiling, I couldn't wrap my head around that I would be graduating in two months. Everything I wanted and tried to be was going to happen.

I was going into the academy and train to be a part of the FBI. The fucking FBI. I had zero clue where I was going but that didn't matter to me.

I could always work my way through the ranks. I'm a hard worker and always strive to do better with whatever I'm doing. But I needed to get a jump on things, needing to try and get ahead.

The people there will be doing the same and I don't want to be behind.

I took my phone off the bed side table and called Aaron, "Hello." I smirk to the sound of his voice.

"Are you busy right now?" I swung my legs off the bed and stood up. "Not at the moment." I started brushing my teeth. "Okay good, cause you're taking me shooting in an hour."

"O- oh okay.... in a hurry?"

"Not really, well kind of... you can't blame me for wanting to see my boyfriend."

Aaron smiled, "No you're not, do you want me to meet you or am I going to pick you up." I threw on a black tank top with black ripped jeans. "Whichever you prefer."

"I'll be there in an hour."

"Bye", we hung up the phone and I put it on the charger. Grabbing my laptop I needed to try and finish some assignments that were due at 5PM.

I needed to go through my classes of Psychology and Victimology.

To write two papers for both classes. I would've done it the day before but I was busy with my workouts and Chloe had car trouble. The past few days have been hectic, but that's not an excuse. I just made it harder on myself.

I brought the laptop into the kitchen and sat on the stool. I didn't sit on the couch knowing if I got too comfortable I'd put it off more.

While I waited for everything to load and start I got a cup of coffee.

At this point coffee ran through my veins which wasn't good at all but I wasn't complaining. Getting in front of the computer I scrolled down the list. Two things done in class, two papers with three thousand words each.

Fuck this, I groan out and loaded up Google Docs. Going to the rubric I looked at the requirements. The paper needed to be about Rape and the other needed to be about social cognation.

Turning my phone on airplane mode I took a sip and started typing. While writing I forgot about Aaron picking me up. After an hour of writing, Aaron was sitting in the parking lot calling and texting me.

Letting me know he was there, when I didn't answer he walked up the stairs and knocked on the door.

Hearing the faint knock broke me out of my concentration. I stood up and stretched over to the door. Aaron was about to knock again but I opened the door. "Did you not hear me calling you?"

I put a hand on my forehead, "Sorry I was doing homework, I turned off my phone."

"That's fine I would've just liked a little notice before worrying myself." He chuckled and took a seat.

I sat on his lap and turned the computer to face us. "What are you writing?", he rested his head on my shoulder, putting his arms around my waist.

"After I turn this in then I move on to Victimology." I had completed the paper for Psyc. After I turned it in I tapped his hand. I got up and grabbed my keys.

Tugging on his hand, we walked out and I locked the door behind us. Getting into the car Aaron started driving over to the shooting range.

His hand rested on my thigh and I put my small hand over his large one. Giving a small squeeze I glanced over to him.
"Have you ever shot a gun?", I thought back to my childhood.

"A few times, with a friend. When my parents let me over there they would take me hunting. Got a few bucks but nothing special. If I remember, my friend's dad said and I quote "I was the best shot he'd seen from someone my age."

"How old were you?"

"Nine, like he said, I was the best." He chuckled and pulled into the parking lot. "Yeah well let's see how you are without a hunting rifle." Since I was good with the rifle I didn't think I would have a problem with a handgun or really any gun for that matter.

Except shotguns, they had too much power for my liking.

We walked in and Aaron handled everything with the guy working there. Heading into the range Aaron handed me the 9mm.

Setting it on the gun and the clip on the table in front of me. "Go ahead."

He nodded to me, we both put on the headphones before I did anything. Loading the gun I aimed at the target ahead of me. Aaron stood behind me watching my form and how I shot.

I held the gun in my right hand and supported it with my left hand. "Don't put your finger on the trigger if you aren't ready."

"I know", I said quietly and exhaled, pulling the trigger. The recoil hit me, forgetting how much a gun can kick. Pulling back, after the gun settled. I put it down and Aaron came to stand next to me, looking down the range.

Us being the only people in the room he took off his glasses and headphones, "Not bad... try bending your elbow slightly more." I nodded and he put his things back on.

Picking it back up and aiming down, I followed his advice and bent my arm more.

Loosening my wrist a bit, I shot again. The recoil was slightly better, it wasn't so forceful. I got into a rhythm and forgot Aaron was standing behind me. Counting my shots, I stopped when the clip emptied. Checking the chamber to make sure it was empty also.

Aaron took the gun from my hand and pressed the button next to me. The target came towards us and we looked at where I hit.

"You seem to have the hang of it. The way you were holding it made the recoil worse  but make sure your arms aren't too loose either." I turned to face him while he was talking. "Other than that... good job."

He loaded another clip and handed it to me, he grinned. Leaning forwards I pecked his lips before going to shoot again.

We stayed there for another hour, Aaron was making little changes to my form and giving me some tips. I appreciated his help with everything so far. He couldn't have been more helpful.

Getting into the car he pulled out of the parking lot. "Thank you", he placed his hand on my inner thigh. "You don't have to thank me.... I would've ended up asking anyway. I want you to do great."

Lacing my hand with his I leaned my head back. "Do you have Jack tonight?"

"Hayley took him this morning", he already knew what I was going to ask. "Your place?", I saw a faint smile and he switched directions, going to his house.

When we got there we walked through the front door. He grabbed my hand and guided me towards the shower. I dropped my things on his bed, "I don't have any clothes."

Aaron looked around and walked to his closet. "You can wear mine... here." He handed me one of his older shirts and a pair of sweatpants.

"Are you forgetting something?" He scrunched his eyebrows and went back to his drawer. Grabbing a pair of boxers and tossing them to me.

I kissed his cheek and we got into the shower. His hands went to my hips and his lips were drawn to my neck. "What are you doing?", I said smiling.

"Nothing", he mumbled into my neck. I let out a soft moan and placed a hand on his chest, pushing him back.

"How about... we actually take a shower."

"You're no fun", he said chuckling. "Oh I'm plenty of fun."

The shower was spent teasing each other and poking fun. After finishing I changed into Aarons clothes and laid down on my side of the bed. Once Aaron got behind me I curled up to his side like a magnet.



We're starting to get into the story... oh shit

Also I barley know anything about guns so if anything is inaccurate... that's why

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