Chapter 11

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Hotch texted me later that night but it was to tell me that we couldn't do anything later because he needed to deal with Hayley.

She had wanted Jack that night but Hotch wanted him for one more day.

Chloe ended up never coming home, it had been almost two days since the last time I saw her.

I tried calling her but she never picked up. I was starting to get worried.

I sat up from the couch and grabbed my car keys. Locking the front door behind me and going down the stairs and into my car. I drove out of the lot and to the house where that party was held.

When I got to the house it looked the same as before, except for the students but that was expected.

Walking up to the door, I knocked a few times; waiting for an answer. When there wasn't one I tried to open the door, it was unlocked.

Going inside I saw the same thing I had that night, people were on the floor but not as many as before.

Carefully stepping around the bodies, there she was, passed out on the floor in the corner. I walked over to her and she was cold.

Checking her pulse, it was weak. She was still alive but she needed a hospital. I gently picked her up and carried her outside. What the hell happened when I left.

Calling the ambulance, I gave them the address and waited for them to arrive.

When they pulled up the paramedics took Chloe but I told them about the other people inside. The majority of them were knocked out. I rode in the ambulance with Chloe and made sure she was okay.

Y/n - Just letting you know Chloe and I aren't going to be in class today

Hotch - Oh... ok can I at least have a reason. There's going to be a decent amount of homework today

Y/n - Chloe's in the hospital... I'm with her now just to be safe. Can you give me the homework later

Hotch - Yeah I don't mind, I can come by the hospital later

Y/n - Thank you

I put my phone away and was staring at Chloe. Her skin was very pale, the color had literally drained from her body. The doctors were running tests.

I felt bad for leaving the party when I did, maybe I could've helped them... helped her.

"How are we doing in here?", I looked up from her bed and saw her doctor walking inside the room.

"She's still unconscious, I know you guys just took the tests but do you know why she's like... this." The doctor flipped through the chart that he brought in with him.

"She had a Blood Alcohol Content of 0.35. That level of intoxication can be fatal if she had continued to drink. We're giving her IV fluids to try and dilute the alcohol in her system but there isn't much we can do in this situation other than wait. It's good you found her when you did, she would've died of hypothermia if she had been there any longer."

The doctor walked over to the side of her bed and took her vitals, heart rate, blood pressure, and O2 stats. He started going out of the room.

"When she wakes up, let us know." I nodded and he left. I was left In the room with Chloe who after an hour or two got some color back.

As I waited for either her to wake up or Hotch to come by I sat in the chair next to her bed and turned on the tv.

Trying to find something to watch at a hospital is so difficult when they only have a limited amount of channels. Giving up I shut the tv off and got on my phone.

The Stuggle of Loving You    | a. hotchner | ✔Where stories live. Discover now