Chapter 10

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Aiden was taken in last night. When police arrived they questioned Hotch and I, gathering information.

They wanted to know things like why he was there, what happened, and why Aaron was there. That was something I wanted to know myself, I never asked him.

It was around twelve to one, he should've been at home sleeping.

I woke up in my bed, with the very faint sun shining through the curtains. I rolled over and reached for my phone, it was 6AM. Luckily I didn't have class today because it was a Saturday. Sitting up and throwing on a large hoodie, I walked into the hallway.

Going into the kitchen and starting a much needed pot of coffee. Hearing shuffling on the couch, I turned around to see Aaron sprawled out.

I smiled, walking over and sitting beside him trying to not wake him.

I had asked Hotch to stay after the whole thing just feeling a little shaken up.

I went into Chloe's room checking if she had come home last night but she wasn't there. I entered the living room again waiting for the coffee to finish, I sat next to Aaron on the couch, careful to not wake him up. I went on my phone and started scrolling through.

Looking at how my friends spent their nights, obviously not with the police.

The pot beeped letting whoever was there know it was ready. I poured it into a mug and put a good amount of creamer the way I liked it.

Being nice I also poured Aaron a cup knowing by the time he wakes up it'll be cool enough to drink.

Going back over I set both mugs on the table in front of us, the clink from the glass hitting the wood startled Aaron and he woke up.

He opened his eyes and sighed, not noticing me right next to him. Turning his head he saw the steaming cup of coffee, he grinned sitting all the way up.

"Morning", He was snuggled up against the corner with the blanket covering both of us. "How'd you sleep?"

"Decent considering it's a couch", I scooted a little closer to him.

"Yeah sorry about that, you could've slept in the bed with me." He grabbed the mug off the table and started to blow into it, trying to cool it down. "It's fine, that's your space."

"It wouldn't have been a problem honestly."

"How about if there's a next time I'm here overnight, then I can sleep in your bed."

I raised my eyebrows at him grinning a bit. "Next time?" He nodded and softly smiled. "You'd like that wouldn't you."

I laughed and avoided the question, not wanting it to get awkward even though it wouldn't have been. Aaron being a profiler saw through me and knew. I calmed down and wondered.

"If you don't mind me asking. Why did you come by last night?" He sat there and took a sip of his now warm drink.

He turned to me, "I wanted to ask you something, I couldn't get it off my mind so I came over."

I raised my eyebrows silently asking him to continue, "It was just about Jack and I, I wanted to know if you wanted to spend some time with us tomorrow-- well today." There was something about it that didn't seem completely honest, like he was holding something back.

"Of course, It's been a few months since I've seen him. What'd you want to do then?"

"He wanted to go skating but that's not really my thing, I figured you can go with us. Spend time with him." I nodded and turned on the tv.

I leaned back laying my head on the arm rest, I kept moving around not being able to get comfortable.

"Come here", I glanced at him. I felt his arm touch mine, bringing me closer to him. My body pressed against his and his arm went around me. My head rested on his chest as his head rested on the cushion behind him.

He let out a sigh and mumbled to himself, "This is nice." We both tightened our grips around each other and I nestled my head into him more.

I felt his heart beating at a steady fast pace. Aaron was nervous, at least from his heart beat.

Hotch's phone went off. He grabbed his phone and looked at the text, "Jack wants me to go and get him." He set his phone down.

"Where is he?" He looked down at me.

"At a friend's house, If you want you can come with."

"Okay." I got up and went into my room getting some pants on before we left.

"Can we get breakfast after we pick him up?" My stomach was growling, not having eaten since yesterday afternoon.

"Sure", I walked back out with jeans, and some sneakers. Hotch was up and put his shoes on waiting for me. We walked out of the apartment, locking the door behind us. Going down the stairs and into his car, driving to pick up Jack.

We had a simple conversation listening to soft music in the background. I wondered where Hayley was now, if she was still with her 'friend'. But I pushed those thoughts out of my head and focused on what was happening.

We got to his friend's house and Jack crawled into the backseat. "Y/n!", the sound of that kids voice brought me back to how much time I'd spent with him. How often we'd watch movies or played at the park; I missed him. "Hey little man, how's it going?"

"Good but I missed you, dad used to talk about you after you left." I turned and looked at Hotch who was focusing on the road. "Is that so? all good things I hope." I giggled and looked at Jack.

"Yeah he would say ho-", Aaron cut him off. "Hey Jack, do you want some pancakes?" That drew Jack's attention quickly, that kid's mind went a hundred miles an hour constantly. He nodded enthusiastically, smiling brightly.

I leaned into Hotch whispering, "We're going to talk about that later." He laughed somewhat nervously.

Hotch parked the car in the lot of the restaurant. We walked in and sat at a table near the back. Taking a seat, all of us reached for the menus. "So Jack... How's school."

"It's okay, it would be better but I don't have you there to help me with my homework anymore." Both of them looked at me sadly, clearly Jack wanted me to babysit again. I don't remember why I stopped, things happen I guess.

"Buddy I can help whenever I have the time, I have my own homework though so you're going to need to be patient." Hotch decided to change the conversation.

"What are you guys getting?", I looked at Jack and he at me. We both said our answers simultaneously, "Peanut butter pancakes."

Hotch's lips turned upwards. The waiter came over and took our orders, both Jack and I getting a small coffee. "They start out young." I was referring to Jack drinking coffee considering I started at that age too. Hotch got a regular black coffee and an omelet.

The rest of the breakfast Hotch and I both noticed my admirer. Every time I would do something Jack would do the same, whenever I took a bite and wiped my mouth he did the same. I was laughing, "Jack are you copying me?" He glanced at me, "No..."

I glared at him, "Maybe." Hotch thought it was hilarious, he was sitting there quietly trying to hold in his laughter. I turned to him, "Something funny Hotchner."

Collecting himself he quickly replied, "What- no."

I hummed and took another bite. Hotch and I split the check and we left, going back to the car. "What now?" Jack said from the back. "Home", it was only 8:30AM and there wasn't really anything open to do.

"I'll drop you back off, but if we do end up going out later like we had talked about... I'll text you."

"Okay", Hotch drove from the restaurant back to my apartment, dropping me off. I opened the door and got out, "Thank you for the breakfast."

"No problem."

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