Chapter 33

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We decided on taking things slower than before. Letting both of us get used to having the other around again. It felt strange to get that text in the morning of 'Good morning' or at the end of the night saying 'Goodnight'.

Aaron wasn't used to it either, we both got that butterfly feeling in our bodies when the other texted or called like we were teenagers.

Which is essentially what it felt like but I wasn't complaining, he was there again. Not like he had left before but now we were actually talking, getting back into the rhythm of things.

And waking up to him, hair flopped over his forehead. His arm lazily draped over my body, his face nice and relaxed. He looked the most at peace and Aaron could say the same thing about me.

Although going into this slowly was thrown out the window during a case we were on a week after everything had happened.

I had shown up to his room with a pillow and a small blanket in my hand. Knowing he was right down the hall I couldn't sleep.

Aaron opened the door and wasn't the least bit surprised considering he was about to do the same thing to me. He was going to show up to my door with the same request, to sleep in my room.

Opening the door wider I walked in and sat on the edge of the bed.

I noticed the case files covering the hotel desk. Of course he was working at this time. Later in the night, almost 12AM, I helped him a bit until I was falling asleep on the papers.

He had picked me up from the chair and brought me to bed, thinking it was time for him also, he'd sleep or try.

With the remainder of the case, he tried to stay as close as he could without attracting attention.

Only getting noticed by Emily, she would always be looking at us with the ghost of a smile on her face.

This morning he woke up to me cradled up next to him trying to keep warm, that was something he'd never forget.

He dipped his head down and moved his arm around me even more, my shivers calmed down and I was heating up again. He closed his eyes and was feeling content.

Ten minutes went by and he felt me shift which woke him up. His eyes opened and he looked down at me, I had straightened out. Laying side by side with him, my face resting gently on the pillow beside him.

He turned over and brought his hand up, pushing the hair that was covering my face behind my ear. Reviling all of my features to him, he didn't think I could get more beautiful but he was wrong.

His heart ached, "Morning gorgeous."

Aaron knew I was awake, seeing the soft smile that pulled at my lips and the slight blush that rose to my cheeks.

I opened one eye then closed it when I saw his brown eyes looking back at me.

"Hey handsome", I moved closer to him.

Returning the favor I did the same thing and pushed his hair back. I carded my hands through his dark brown hair and moved it out of his face which erupted a small chuckle from him.

"How'd you sleep?", he asked me bringing my hand up to his mouth and pressed a kiss on my knuckles.

I hummed, "Better."

"Yeah cause you were almost covering me last night, surprised you got away from me this morning. You were shivering."

I swung my arms onto his shoulders, "That's why I have you, to keep me warm."

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