Chapter 35

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"Y/n what is it?", Aaron was still sitting up. I said ok and hung up the phone feeling a little shocked and paralyzed. I turned off the phone and placed it back on the bed side table.

"We need to go", I ignored his question. I was holding back the tears but they were already pooling.

He didn't question it, getting up with me and putting on some clothes, we got in the car. "Where?"

"Memorial Hospital", that was the only thing I said the whole ride. Aaron understood me and how I felt with things. I wasn't talkative and since I didn't say anything he assumed I'd speak on the topic in my own time.

Little did he know he was about to find out why I was so silent.

When we arrived at the hospital I walked in and Aaron followed behind me, giving me some space. I was directed by the nurses to the morgue.

The medical examiner was sitting at his desk in the corner working on reports. When he noticed us he came over. "How may I help you?"

"I'm Y/n Y/l/n, you spoke to me an hour ago."

"You're here for Ms. Prescott." I nodded and he brought us over to her body. Pulling on the freezer door he rolled out the table. He pulled back the sheet and there she was, I could barely recognize her, but it was.

"It's her", I saw the feather tattoo behind her ear.

"When did she—." The medical examiner covered her body back up with the sheet. Aaron wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his chest, his hand went to the back of my head.

"Sixteen hours ago", he covered her up.

"What was the cause of death?" He picked up the report from his desk. "Burned to death... the burns cover over eighty percent of her body."

"Where did this happen?", the M.E put down the report and walked back over closing up Chloe's freezer. I lifted my head from Aaron and looked over. I clung onto him, he was my anchor at the moment.

I wanted to kill whoever did this but I knew I couldn't. "Her home in DC... and I'm sorry but Mr—."

"Hotchner", Aaron told him.

"Mr. Hotchner, but the police department has this case, not the FBI... if you have any further questions you can ask them... as far as we know this isn't serial so..."

Aaron sighed. There wasn't much else we could do, "We understand."

We left the hospital, getting into the car and I sat silently. The M.E wasn't going to give us any answers and I didn't want to go digging through the police department's cases.

I didn't want to talk about it. Aaron pulled into the driveway and parked the car. "Did you want to stay at your apartment?" He asked quietly. I shook my head and turned to look at him.

"I don't care if this isn't our case, I wanna find who did it."

We both climbed out of the car, walking to his front door. "You know it's never good to investigate when it's personal. Like you said, this isn't our case."

I slumped on the couch and he sat down across from me. "Aaron I need this."

"If we do decide to investigate, we can't get caught overstepping, I can ask Garcia to look through their files."

"I wanna ask her, it's more personal", We just laid there. I was glad he agreed to it, he knew what she was to me. She was almost like a sister, one that actually cared.

Yeah we lost touch but if she called late at night I'd pick up the phone and help her.

"I think I'm going to stay home today, I don't— I need to call some people." He understood, tugging on my arm to lay on his chest and I took the spot. Feeling some comfort.

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