Chapter 15

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My eyes fluttered open when I saw the light from my phone illuminate the room. I rolled over on my side, picked up my phone and looked at the notifications.

Aaron - Good morning, I'm just letting you know that I'm on the flight to Washington; I might not get back to you

Y/n - Morning, good luck on the case, hope you have a good day.

He didn't answer back, which is probably because he turned off his phone, it's 2:30AM.

I shrugged it off and closed my eyes again.

I woke up to my first alarm going off, it was 8AM. I slowly got out of bed because of the chill that was spreading throughout the apartment.

Peaking into Chloe's room, I wanted to know how she was doing. She was curled up in her bed, clutching the blankets. I left, leaving her be and made my way into the kitchen.

I set the coffee and my phone went off. "Hey."

"Hey, just wanted to know how your mornings going", it was Aaron checking in on me.

"I'm good, actually I was going to ask you later but what's the whole class situation?", I flipped my food and the coffee beeped.

"The key to the hall is in your jacket, I put it in there before we left the hospital. I was just going to have you pass out some worksheets."

I poured myself a mug, "Oh, ok well I was just curious. What are you doing?"

"In the hotel, I landed almost an hour ago. I forgot about the time difference."

"Right, you're three hours behind." There was silence for a few seconds, I could hear him shifting around in the bed trying to get comfortable. I just wanted him with me, we just became a couple not even a week ago and he was already on the job.

I wasn't complaining, I understood but that doesn't mean I didn't miss him.

"I miss you and I know it's only been a few hours since we last saw each other but-- I just do." I said quietly. I was slightly worried that he wasn't going to say the same.

"I miss you too", I softly smiled knowing it wasn't just me.

He sounded exhausted, which I don't blame him for. There was going to be a long day ahead of him, but knowing he's there the case should go by faster. "You should get some sleep before you need to head in."

"You're right."

"Text me when you get up."

"Princess you don't even have to ask." The nicknames really made my heart swell. Chloe got up and wandered into the kitchen, sitting at the table.

She mouthed, "Who's that?" I didn't answer her.

"Bye", I really didn't want to end the call. I wanted to just listen to his voice, but I knew he wouldn't have the time. "Bye", he said sweetly then we hung up the phone. The smile still lingered on my face but when the call ended it slowly faded away.

"Who was that?", I grinned and went to the fridge grabbing some food. "Someone."

"You're not doing this secret shit, I wanna know." I went to the stove shaking my head. I didn't want her to say something and Aaron possibly get in trouble, as far as I know nobody is finding out. I'm sure Aaron didn't want people to know either considering it was his ass on the line.

"Fine don't tell me", as I was making a sandwich she got up from the chair and tried to take my phone. I snatched it before she could get it, "Why do you care so much if I know."

"Because I do, can we not argue like we're twelve." She scoffed and walked over to the couch and sat down, proving my point.

She'll get over it.


Aaron POV

I woke up a few hours later in the empty hotel room; I wanted her with me. I sat up and walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth while I waited for the shower to heat up. Stripping of the boxers I had on, I stepped into the shower.

The water washed over me, wetting my body and my hair.

When I finished my shower I got out and tied the towel low on my hips. Laying out my suit on the bed, I dried off. I got ready putting the suit and tie on. There was a knock on my door, "Hotch." I walked over to the door and opened it, going back to the bed.

"We're almost ready to leave", I hummed in response. "How are the classes?" Emily leaned against the door frame waiting for me. "Better than I thought they were going to be." I got up and we both walked out of the room.

"How much do you guys have on the unsub?", we got into the elevator and went to the lobby. We were met with the team already waiting for us.

"All we have is he's most likely a male between twenty to thirty. He gets off on having dominance over his victims. He rapes them before strangling them, and he's most likely a local. He makes no effort to stage or hide the bodies."

Emily finished as we got into the car and drove to the station. "Victimology?", I asked, going into the conference room. "Females in their twenties that live alone."

"Connections?", I was trying to go through everything. They had basically done all they could, doing everything right. Why they couldn't find this guy I'll never know. "As far as we can tell there are none", Morgan said leaning against the table.

"Hotch, we've been at this guy for almost two weeks, why did Strauss call you here now." My gaze was focused on the board in front of me. I sighed, "I don't know." It was really pointless to send me all the way out here if in a few days they were going to call all of us back to Virginia.

I ran through the theories in my mind, trying to form a connection. There needs to be a reason why the unsub selected these people. It could be a victim of opportunity but they were found in their homes with no forced entry.

We stayed there for a few hours not getting anywhere, there were a few leads we found. They all called into the same flower shops but the orders were so spread out Garcia didn't dig any deeper. Every single one we found led to a dead end.

"I'm calling it", I stood up from my seat and walked out. The rest of the team soon followed. I was done. There was no reason to make me fly all the way here when we can't catch the guy. I drove to the hotel and went into my room.

I kicked off my shoes and took off the suit, leaving me in just boxers. I laid on the bed and was on my phone when y/n called me. "Hello."

"So formal, hello to you too." The three hour difference meant it was 12AM for her, why was she up.

"It's been a long day", I sighed running a hand through my hair and slightly tugging trying to relieve my headache. "Tell me about it", she was laying down in her bed after finishing the remaining homework from her other classes.

"The case has been going on for over a week and my team and the police have nothing. I don't want to be here when I can't help."

"I'm sorry, wish I could help."

"You can try and help tomorrow. It'd be good practice." Sleep started to tug at me, struggling to keep my eyes open. "I want you here with me", I knew what she was getting at and it was working.

"I want to be with you too, you'd be laying down with me wrapped up in my arms. I'd be lining kisses up and down your neck."

"Sounds like a good time."

"Oh trust me it would be", I teased. I wanted to give her the love she deserved. To be praised and kissed everyday, being told how beautiful she is. I wanted to be the one to give her that in the future.

She chuckled, "Funny but you already know I'd be basically laying on top of you. Pecking your nose." I didn't reply when sleep took over, my soft snores could be heard through the phone.

Y/n's face was rested, my snores making her tired.

"Goodnight Aaron", were her last words before her head sunk into the pillow.

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