Chapter 40

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I walked my way in Aarons office, he sat silently at his desk with papers that stacked his desk. He noticed and watched as I took a seat on his couch.

I laid down and covered my eyes, "Are you okay?" I groaned in response and turned on my side.

"Mentally... I'm fine. Now physically my head is fucking killing me."

"Light sensitive?", I nodded my head and Aaron stood up to close the blinds that faced the outside. It got dark instantly and a wave of relief coated me.

I uncovered my face and saw Hotch standing over me. He put a hand on my forehead, "You're not running a fever, is that all that hurts."

I let out a weak chuckle at Hotch trying to take care of me, "Aaron you're not my mom."

"I know that, I just want to make sure you're alright." He said softly.

"Are you saying that as my boss?" Aaron pulled a chair from in front of his desk and took a seat over me.

He laughed lightly, "Yes as your unit chief I want to make sure my agent is in a good condition to work in the field and office." He switched his tone to more caring and gentle. "As your boyfriend I want to take care of my girlfriend if she's not feeling well... wouldn't you say that's fair."

I rolled over and pulled one of the leather cushions under my head.

"I guess that's reasonable", we smirked and he brought the back of my hand to his mouth, pressing a kiss to the back of it.

He always wanted to take care of me, I was the most important thing to him... other than Jack of course. He wanted to protect me and be certain that I was safe, in all circumstances.

Aaron Hotchner was the man to put himself in the line of fire for someone he cared for, his protective nature just took over especially when he knows he could save someone.

That instinct gets twenty times more powerful when it's someone he loves. That was the one of the many reasons I loved the man, his heart was so big.

"Do you need ibuprofen?"

"I took some ten minutes ago, didn't work that's why I'm here." He grinned and walked back to his desk. Sitting down he pulled a stack of files from the corner of his desk and pulled one out.

"Do you ever actually work, there's so many papers."

"Well what do you think I was doing before you came in here." He gazed at me.

"Just watching my beautiful ass through your window but that's just a guess." A deep chuckle filled the room.

"Can I help?", I started getting up but his rumbling voice stopped me.

"Not right now, just get some rest", settling back down I nestled into the leather. I could smell the lingering scent of Aarons cologne from when he would spend late nights at the office and forgot to head home.

I started slipping in and out of sleep and going into a dream but the sound of the door opening tugged me out.

Garcia poked her head into the room, "Sir, we have a case." The door was left open and I heard Hotch shuffle around before the door clicked shut.

I opened my eyes and I was alone, he left me by myself so I could try and sleep but that wasn't going to happen.

I rolled off the couch, swinging his office door open and squinted my way over to the round table room.

I took the seat next to Hotch and put my head in my hands, massaging my temples.

"Okay now I know it's early but you know how these things go.... this case is local. There are currently seven victims of a serial arsonist. Sarah Lauren, Jacob Parker, Darren Bryant, Joel Hogan, Florence Reynolds, and the two most recent identified Johns Doe's are Andrew Simmons and Anthony Dickinson--"

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