Chapter 19

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When my school day was over Chloe ended up driving me home. I was in the dark, I didn't know what we were doing or going. The only thing I knew was to wear... a dress.

I went through the front door and down the hallway. He had texted saying he'd be by in a few hours, never telling me a specific time.

Dropping my bag at the door, I flopped on the bed. Chloe leaned on the door frame, "Need help?"

I glanced at her and rested my head back down, "Yes."

"Yes what?"

"Please bitch", she nodded and went to the closet. "That's better... did he say anything specific?"

"No, other than wear a dress", I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth again. Closing the door I stripped and stepped into the shower. Chloe was out in the room setting the dress on my bed and grabbing a pair of heels for me.

When I got out of the bathroom, the towel wrapped around me, she laid out everything for me. Not a single piece of clothing I chose for myself.

I yelled out, "Thank you."

It was black and stopped around mid thigh, with matching heels around two inches tall. I wanted to tease him a bit by deciding against wearing underwear even though it seemed a bit risky.

Drying off my hair and putting it into a ponytail, I did my make up. A small cat eye and some nude matte lipstick.

The whole process took a few hours. In between getting ready because I got too focused with the tv on in the background.

I heard a faint knock on the door, "Chloe! Can you get that?" I heard her walk down the hallway and she opened the door. I peaked out and Hotch was standing there against the door frame.

I grabbed my bag and walked out. I saw as his eyes traveled up and down my body, observing what was his. I did the same with him, staring at his white button up that hugged his body perfectly, rolled up above his forearms. When I met his eyes a smile formed on both of our faces, "You look gorgeous."

"I know... thank you, you look great too", he reached out his large hand and engulfed my small one.

"We're leaving", both of us went down the hallway and heard the door lock behind us.

"So Mr. Hotchner, where are we headed?"

"Well Miss. L/n, I remember telling you it was a surprise." He opened the passenger side for me. "Guess you'll find out soon enough." He pecked my lips and went around getting in the car.

From what I could tell we drove a good half hour out of the city before parking somewhere. It was around 5:30. Going into a park area, he stopped the car.

"We're here?", he nodded and got out, heading to the back and opened the trunk.

I know what this is. Aaron pulled out a basket and a blanket. "Of course", he chuckled and handed me the blanket, closing the trunk and walked down the small trail. "Something simple, I figured dinner was a little too intimate."

"Personally, a picnic is more romantic."

"Knew you'd say that, it's what I was going for. Do you like it?", I set down the blanket and we sat down, opening the basket. "Love it", he pulled out a bottle of wine. "Now I love it more", taking out small glasses he poured it into my cup.

We got caught in conversation, forgetting to take out the food he made. After talking for more than an hour he took it out. 

"What's this", I grabbed onto the still hot containers with food inside. "Ricotta."

The Stuggle of Loving You    | a. hotchner | ✔Where stories live. Discover now