Chapter 35: A Different Kind of Recovery

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A/n: !!Warning!! This chapter contains smut!

The door to the common room had shut, everyone had gone off to bed, leaving just me and Cedric alone in the common room. The only sound coming from the crackling fire in front of us, aside from that it was overwhelmingly quiet. We both finally had a chance to breath and register everything, I could've lost him...

I'd never be able to see my beautiful boy again, never see his beautifully sculpted features, no more early mornings cuddled up in his arms, nothing. It was building up inside of me and I didn't know what to do with myself, I turned to face Cedric who had been zoned out on the fire, he too must have been thinking about everything he could've lost.

I felt tears begin to develop in my eyes as I gazed upon him, the golden fire highlighted his handsome features so well, every perfect imperfection shown beautifully, he looked so ruggedly handsome from the occurrences in the maze, he looked so peaceful and stressed at the same time.

The tears grew more and with one blink, would spill over, I couldn't contain them much longer and let them go, the warm salty tears streamed down my face and I felt a lump in my throat, just trying to hold back the pound of emotions I'd been carrying.

Cedric must have heard my soft whimpers and broke out of his trance with the fire, he turned to face me and it instantly clicked in his mind "Oh darling" he said turning his whole body to face mine, he raised his hand up to my face, cupping it gently. Tears continued to fall harder now and the lump in my throat had gotten worse, Cedric leaned forward more and took me into his arms.

"I know" was all he said as he began to gently stroke my hair, I could no longer with stand the pain from holding back tears and let out a quiet sob. Being held in his arms was both so comforting and painful at the same time, I let out another pained sob and whimper, I could feel a wet spot forming on his shirt from tears.

I knew he was trying to stay strong for me and not cry too, "W-what if I had lost you" I struggled to speak, tears streaming down my face. Cedric continued to stroke my hair "But you didn't, i'm here" he said trying his best to comfort me, "Cedric, I could've lost you tonight" I said between broken whimpers.

I pulled away from the now soaked spot on his shirt, I found it very difficult to speak but pushed through, I went from pulling away from his chest to leaning closer to his face, I now brought my hands up to his face, cupping it "I don't know what I would've done with myself if I had lost you, Your my everything Ced, and I love you so much" I said as a few straggler tears came down my cheeks.

Cedric stared back at me with such love in his eyes, and I could see the tears forming in his eyes now, he brought his hand up to mine and held them there on his face, leaning into them. "I love you too y/n, you're my world" he said with a pained whimper as the tears fell down his face.

There was a moment, a comforting one, we both just looked at eachother, with so much love and desire, it was a calming moment at first but he fact that we both almost lost each other was overwhelming and it made our adrenaline run wild, my heart was beating out of my chest, so many emotions going on, and it both clicked in our head.

Staring at each other for one final moment before smashing our lips together. The adrenaline coursed through my body and I was off the rails, the kiss was intense and meaningful, so much pain and hurt in that kiss, it was rough and lustful, but also so full of love and meaning.

We were both a moaning mess as we kept grabbing at each other's clothes and running our hands all up and down one another's body. We were both breathing heavily and I moved positions, I went from sitting next to him to straddling him. He let out a relieved groan of pleasure and gripped my hips.

The Love Triangle ♥︎♥︎♥︎ A Draco Malfoy and Cedric Diggory love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now