chapter 21: actin like that

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Who's that knocking at four in the morning?
Cause it don't rain but tonight it's pourin'
You like it more when I ignore it
And since I left, LA got boring

The last two days felt like weeks now. But really in reality it was only a few days. Chloe just wasn't herself, since she literally told me to go away. She had called me at random this time telling me " we needed to talk" this was the first that Chloe had wanted to get in contact with me. However, me being me, I wasn't mad but it was a relief that she had called.

" So what's up ?" I asked her. I could hear her sigh before saying " I think we should do a show ". I wanted to put down the phone and run. " Sure okay. I'll get things sorted." What did you have in mind?" Again there was another sigh before continuing with "a  pop up shop. The same shop". She told me.  My eyes widened at her response as I hung up on her.  Chloe wanted to do another show in the very same shop where we first met with Polly.  My breath hitched at the thought of going back with only just  Chloe. For what it's worth it could be a good tribute to Polly, as neither of us went to her funeral. As the day went by, I was anxious but excited. Letting  my team know that this is what Chloe wanted, the  whole team gave me the green light  and it was time, but what could possibly  go wrong, right?


"They gave Dom the green light. We can do the plan!" I shouted looking around me waiting on Polly to say something.

" Damn okay." You got the same clothes right ?"- Polly

"Yeah okay, same clothes. but I can't believe we are doing this again." The smile on my face was too much. However at the same time, I was nervous. Myself and Dom hadn't been back to that shop since Polly was still alive. It was our first ever concert, but what I didn't get was why on earth did I want to go back? oh yeah because I'm hearing voices that's why. 

"Okay let's start packing then. Get your ass to Dom's okay I'll tell you what to pack " -Polly

And that's what exactly what I did. I  rushed upstairs and listened to Polly to see what I needed.

" what You'll need is.... . Obviously, the same clothes you were wearing on that day -Polly

"Okay and then ...?" I asked her 

Bleach -Polly

"Bleach"? Why would I need it?"

"And your pills"  -Polly

Rolling my eyes, I went into my bathroom and picked up the bleach bottle "you said my pills"? 

"Oh and yeah that"  -Polly said smirking

I could tell she was rolling her eyes at me. As much as I loved her having around me but sometimes I needed time for myself without her. I was about to question her thoughts when my phone rang. 


"Yo, you coming or what?" it was Dom 

"Yes Dom, I'm coming now," I said hanging up and went straight to the front door.  And with that, it was time.

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