Chapter 16: Lust never felt so good

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After yesterday events she just wouldn't stop!

 " Chloe can I just be with my boyfriend pleaseeeee" I begged her . " But I wanna hang out with Dom" she whined like a five year old. Never in my life did i ever seen  Chloe like this I knew her like I KNEWW her and begging and being needy wasn't her thing ,  I was the needy one but I guess being around YungBlud all the time brought out the best of her and it's getting to the point where it was annoying. With rumors going around like fire, that Chloe and YungBlud are in a relationship or that he was cheating on me ,  I had  caught them once again in the act.

* a few hours earlier*

It was a Friday night and it was raining , Dom had told me he was in the studio alone writing something new for his up coming album. So instead of waiting for him I would go ahead and surprise him , because that's what good girlfriends do , right?. It's been nearly a month now or more and we've done nothing well only small things  in terms of being alone  and such, it was time to turn it up. Deciding  to  wear something to get his attention,  i took his blazer from the music video parents  and underneath was something he might just like, going with the theme of pink and black of course. 

I had no clue where Chloe was but that didn't stop me from seeing Dom  but before I went to the studio me and Chlo had some girly down time " where's Dom at tonight then?" she asked me as she helped me straighten  my hair "  studio I think" I replied back. I saw the look on her face through the mirror that she was smirking, she always had a smile on her face when it came to Dom more often than my own but they were best friends so no harm there. The house  phone rang oddly , this didn't happen  often especially when I was home alone  " I'll get it !" Chloe placed down the straighteners and ran to the phone  answering  it.  I was done with my hair as I stood up and gathered my things,  I didn't hear Chloe talking which wasn't like her I would always hear her talk and talk and even though there was barely any talking from the both of us the front door had slammed shut , indicating she had hung up. 

Chloe's p.o.v:
I was doing Polly's hair when I asked her where my best  friend was tonight . She had told me that he was in the studio this evening, this made me smirk and yeah she saw my face through the mirror was it that obvious .?? Nah.. But lately I couldn't stop thinking about him, we did everything together and it seems like the fans thought we were more. Dom this , Dom that whyyy just why. Still doing her hair the house  phone rang, I had let go putting down the tool in my hand  as I  practically ran to the phone picking it up " Hello..?" I said it wasn't him not like I wanted him to call anyway. This gave me an idea  *Ding* this was just wrong ,  I would pretend it was Dom or whoever  and ran out of the door in a hurry.   I quickly put down the phone grabbing my things and slamming the door behind me , I was going to see Dom and do a bit of dancing. 

I arrived at the studio where Dom was , I didn't want to get his attention by simply going in and saying hello so instead I decided to go in and dance next door. 


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It was nice getting back into the studio again and writing a new song, I told my girlfriend, Polly who was at home right now that I would be here tonight so that she wouldn't worry ,our relationship right now was well good I think, but lately my mind was set on someone else  , Chloe. We were close so close to the point where my fans thought we were indeed "dating" but tonight I would doing something big for Polly and I couldn't wait to see her reaction.
It was getting late and I was so close to finishing a new song,  as I was slowly packing up my things I heard some loud music playing , again I wasn't sure whether I was being paranoid but I felt like I was relieved at the same time. I walked out of the studio and down the hall where there was a big room I pushed the door open and my eyes went ... wide  I couldn't believe my eyes.

Chloe's p.o.v:
The routine I was doing was something completely out of my comfort zone , I was mainly on the floor giving it my all. Shaking my ass and opening my legs, I never felt more well sexy. Short shorts , long sleeve black top and heels was my outfit for the evening and of course knee pads so I wouldn't hurt my knees. As the music played I was already letting my body do the talking but what I didn't realise that there was some company lurking in the corner.

Polly's P.O.V:
I figured that where ever Chloe has gone, it wouldn't be the studio for sure. My idea was to surprise my Gorgeous boyfriend YungBlud with an outfit tonight and I had a good feeling that it would go down a treat. I'm glad what he had told me where he is because you know sometimes he can be a bit wild but neither the less it's time to spoil him. I finally arrived at the studio , my walk to the building was well unusual because I had a lot of stares as the blazer I was wearing wasn't quite covering up everything but either way I'm here now which counts. My feelings were something tonight I was nervous, excited and more importantly ready to show him everything quite literally. The lights to the studio were mainly off but there was one room that was lit up and not to mention it was loud. Walking along I saw a figure leaning against the door frame , I wasn't sure who it was but getting closer and closer  the figure seemed to walk through the room. I knew it was my boyfriend  , I was soon ready to take off my well his blazer jacket about to surprise him when .....

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