Chapter 14:all about me, me and ME

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Chloe's POV

I didn't know why no.. wait I did know what the reason was to go and see dom was.  and that reason was to get revenge?

5 years down the line and I can certainly say that pretending to be dead was fun, but losing my best friend and see the person I loved being put in prison for something that he thought was self-defence which by the way wasn't, took me by surprise. Not! Anyway ... this mission of mine was going to be good why? Dom has no idea I'm even alive right now let alone going to visit him in prison.

I had put on my best outfit on and did all the rest of my normal routine. taking my black range rover out of the garage I knew the trip would be a short one. by the time I was there, I felt not great, this was my first time seeing him in real life. shaking any thoughts I walked to reception to let them know I was here and who I was visiting. 

" Follow me" i heard one of the guards say as we walked into the visitor's room, it wasn't h=what i was expecting but it was okay , white walls and stuff. and that's when I saw him , he was also walking with a prison garud and sat down first. dom had his head down , I think was wanted to surprise himself and oh boy he was going to be surprised. sitting down I watched him grab the telephone to the right side of him , as I match his actions a small hello was whispered , clearing my throat I said ... 

"Surprise Bitch" I spoke down the phone his eyes shot up now locking eyes with my own from the other side of the glass wall. I sat back watching his face,  he just couldn't believe who visited him.

" You!" he shouted a little bit too loud down the phone, making me jump a little.

" No need to shout Dom" I laughed placing the phone back to my ear. from his expression and I don't know how but I felt my eyes go brighter and of course my hair was now completely different since I last saw him. But did he really noticed my appearance?  the thought of someone ever turning up and being in front of me right now was a big deal right now.

" So..?" I begin making dom feel slightly on edge.

" how?" Was the only thing he could physically ask me. without even second-guessing what the last few years could have possibly been like, it destroyed both of us.

" I ran duh" I smiled at him. not thinking much of it

" well yeah, obviously but I thought... I genuinely thought...?" he muttered not believing that this is happening right now.

" I was dead? , yeah right she didn't deserve you anyway" I casually told him.

" I loved her!" he shouted at me slamming his hand at the glass screen. This caused the prison guard to shout for Dom to sit down.

" now, now Dom. If you wanna get out then you gotta behave yourself" I smiled once again. I moved my hair out of my face putting the phone to my other hand and placing it to my ear.

sitting here, admiring the way he was so focused on my features, for so long this felt the first time that he actually wanted to inspect me not like that Polly who had everything and anything. it was all about me now. did I care that she was dead no, was I wrong to had punched her in the stomach with her baby inside of her, maybe .. of course, I had morals but I'm here to get the one thing I had wanted for so long. I knew the minute I had sat down that he was thinking  " It was like she had changed but not completely". "Her features felt, looked the same but I knew deep down her wicked side" and he wasn't wrong. I had better myself, should have played dead a long time ago but I wasn't going to give up with a fight.

Then which caused me to be here in the first place was to be stronger than ever. I couldn't even begin to describe what I'm feeling I wasn't even sure if I ever loved Dom maybe as a friend but Polly knew different, I basically cheated on her boyfriend but she was the one who pushed me and Dom together and now look he's   put in prison for something that May or may not have actually done.

" I see you're looking good as per" I gleamed at him. That stupid smile I played, was playing a big part you could tell he wanted to punch me but then again this is what I do to him putting under MY spell.

" right times up!" The prison guarded shouted

" I'll see you again then, Dom..." I whispered down the phone

" y...yeah?"  he said back, again the vibe I was getting he had no idea what could happen next but I was so sure he'll find out sooner or later

before anything I was walking away, but there was just one thing I had forgotten to say. rushing back to the phone I left him with this...

but he had beaten me to it

" but you just want to play little games to get attention" he managed out. my eyes had darkened but simply gave him a soft smile.

" I am" I answered back for the last time. this broke his thoughts as dom looked up to see that had once more I had whispered down the phone before the prison guards could do anything else.

And with that, I was gone. I just knew how to play things and yeah I may have the power over him but ...

to leave him completely and utterly confused was only the beginning.

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