Chapter 2: The Gig

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Same old shit but a different day

" I think we should go to Dom's gig this afternoon ?" I ask my mate Chloe who was yet again on that stupid phone of her's.

we were in her bedroom minding our own business as I came across the idea whilst looking through Instagram. " Whyyy and we don't have any money?" She whined looking up to me briefly but casually looking back down again " I haven't met him yet and it's free anyway, tonight we go and see Harrison" I smiled thinking about how amazing it would be to go and see him, in the flesh. For the last week or so since I discovered him , I've spent dreaming of the day we would go and see him, talk to and well...I was cut short from my thoughts " fine we go and see Dom "  Chloe said out of the blue. Squealing, I double-check everything ready to go for this afternoon, as even though I'm excited, I'm worried that something will go wrong. I mean anything could happen and I haven't had a panic attack since meeting my friend that I haven't seen in over a year. That's another topic for another day but it seems it could be possible.

4:30 pm couldn't come any quicker, I was currently doing me makeup over and over again touching up more than I should of, but making sure I looked decent for Dom I mean the concert oh you know what I mean. I left my hair semi-wet leaving it to air dry as I picked out the one outfit that I was saving to wear for a special occasion that was occurring.

Chloe my angel, when it came to picking my outfits, chose this one even those I had another saved in my closet for special occasions and I couldn't be any happier,  but her opinion was more valuable for these kinds of things

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Chloe my angel, when it came to picking my outfits, chose this one even those I had another saved in my closet for special occasions and I couldn't be any happier, but her opinion was more valuable for these kinds of things. On the other hand, she was stunning head to toe but I knew in her eyes that she wasn't feeling it no matter how much I told her that she looked banging.

Laughing, she was dancing and singing to some of Harrison's music to get into the mood, her voice was something else let me tell you, but even so,  I  was nervous as hell just watching the clock tick down the minutes till we had to leave to get in...

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Laughing, she was dancing and singing to some of Harrison's music to get into the mood, her voice was something else let me tell you, but even so, I  was nervous as hell just watching the clock tick down the minutes till we had to leave to get in time for the gig. And being late wasn't my thing. I couldn't be late for this not in a million years.

" OI! Stop and let's go already " I shouted as I stopped the music playing very loudly, " Hey! we've got agesssss till we have to go and see your boyfriend" She snickered going to play the music again, but before she could even press the button, I managed to stop her hand from pressing it.

" He isn't my boyfriend and no look at the time !" I was angry at this point. " you can sing and dance all you want at the gig, just stop it another wise I will go without you and we both know that when I do leave you will only follow me like a lost puppy"

Chloe looked at me all offended. And I knew I have blown it, especially when it was somewhat true.

Chloe grabbed her things not making any eye contact whatsoever.

5:00 PM we were the first few people to arrive at the venue where the one and only YUNGBLUD was going to perform. We were currently standing in line waiting when I decided to say sorry to Chloe, which she seemed to be in her element more than anything.

" Look I'm sorry for shouting at you, I was just nervous and you know". She turned her head towards me and gently smiled, before saying " it's okay I guess" and before I knew it she smiled faded as was walked more and more through the gates.

I  brushed off what she had done and carried on as if nothing had happened. We've stopped for a brief moment, again waiting to get in, I took the chance to look back at the line behind us which was growing more and more by the minute, that was until I heard someone say

" YO, it's so nice to meet  you!!!" Slowly turning my head back around my eye's locked into green ones,  there he was wearing black, white and pink clothing. I was amazed at how someone so close to my age could have so many confidents and be so wild. I stood there not knowing what to do or say, till I felt someone nudge me

" He's talking to you" I hear Chloe say for a second. " Oh, I'm sorry I was just..."

"Just zoned out, yeah I know" Dom laughed confused. I was also confused as much as he was. He finished what I was trying to say. WAIT FOR WHAT?!, DOMINIC HARRISON JUST FINISHED MY SENTENCE!  I was practically screaming on the inside and even though I may look stupid right now, both Dom and Chloe looked at me as to say we need to go, you're embarrassing yourself right now at least that's what their faces told me otherwise.

As I felt myself go red, we walked through the gates to get to the small pop up shop and of course leading the way was Dom. " POLLY!" He shouted out testing out my name,  I wasn't sure how or why he was doing this maybe Chloe told him my name beforehand when I was zoned out I don't know, however as   if he was going to sing the rest of the song or about to .. whatever he was about to do, I saw in the corner of my eye that a few girls look at me confused and some even gave me a death stare,

" Yeah...?" I said back to him, not knowing if he did in fact wanted me to answer him or not, but instead, he turned his head and gave me a huge smile and a small nudge to my arm OOF wait till the headlines. As we still carried on walking ever so slowly with myself and Chloe who were leading the way with of course Dom ahead man of the hour, more and more fans or shall be named as the Blackhearts club gather around in and out of the building ready to jam out, my nerves are getting the better of me and Dom hasn't even started singing to me, I mean us yet.

"YO, I'M YUNGBLUD AND THANK YOU SO  MUCH FOR COMING TO THIS GIG OF MINE IN THE MIDDLE OF LONDON THIS AFTERNOON, MY PASSWORD GOT TAKEN AND I'M NOW STUCK IN THE UK SO UNTIL NOW, SHALL WE START WITH A BIT OF MEDICINE ?" Dom shouted into a microphone to the thousands or even millions of fans who cheered at him including myself and Chloe.

A few hours in and I was in my element this was because I was stuck with him,  stuck as in nearby him in a building, whilst he was performed and enjoyed himself. His eye's gravitating towards my way " hey you okay?" I ask my best mate who was semi dancing " I wouldn't want to be in this crowd jeez, they are all so close together and I hate when people are pushing and basically on you, it's just nah y'know " she said to me,

Sadly, I looked at her, but before I could say anything, the tune for Die for the Hype was starting to play. Oh, you know what's going down!

*Authors advice: make sure to listen to the song whilst reading this part of the story to get the full picture*

"I just wanna suck on your lolly, I just wanna suck on your lolly, I just wanna suck on your lolly, Polly" as Dom sang or more like shouting into his microphone, both myself and Chloe screamed the lyrics out joining the rest of the crowd, however, the more we shouted the more I felt myself go dizzy. My eyes were blurring out seeing nothing but a half colour and black Crowd, I wasn't sure if I had grabbed onto Chloe or not as my body collapsed onto the floor " Polly..???" was the last thing I managed to hear.

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