Chapter 5: Your pink socks

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Waking up with the sun in your face all because of the blinds being open isn't what I hope for or at least why the hell were they even open in the first place? 

Stretching out, I vividly remembered what happened the night before, that was when I stood up and looked at the floor, " crap " I whispered underneath my breath even though nobody was here with me. I saw a good amount of broken glass on the carpet, yeah what a night last night was. as I slowly opened the door and walked into the kitchen, I feared that both of them would still be there but turns out that the only person who was actually here was Chloe. " Hey, you okay? didn't hear you come in last night?" She asked me the only response I could give her was a nod but was itching to say " Yeah well Dom had his tongue down your throat"  well at least that's what I thought, remembering she had shouted " I got a boyfriend " but I gladly said nothing. As we both stood around the kitchen table, and surprise surprise Chloe was on that phone of hers, I sipped on my tea about to make some conversation, when ... she beat me to it " here" she said practically throwing them at me  with no eye contact, it was Dom's pink socks. " why do you have his socks?" I sarcastically questioned her, " he wanted me to give it to you" she replied finally looking up at me. This felt odd truly odd if last night wasn't enough, she went ahead and slept with him and he wasn't even here to defend himself nice one Dom nice one. " Chloe ..??" I call she finally looked up from her phone making direct eye contact with me, she seemed deep in her thoughts, I wonder what she was thinking?

Chloe p.o.v- I hear Polly calling my name so I looked up to her, making direct eye contact with her. I looked at her like the night before flashed before my eyes

Flashback to the night before:

He grabbed my wrist as I was about to leave, I did everything I could to go but his grip was far from strong. " please, what are we gonna do? I'm sorry" he pleaded. You would have thought being his in grip was nice and all but I just wanted to get out of here. " You kissed me Dom K. I.S.S.E.D M.E. I have to tell Polly," I told him but no matter how much it hurt, it was the truth. Dom finally let go of me, I watched him sit down on the sofa running his fingers through his hair " here". Again I couldn't take my eyes off him as he took off his pink socks " give this to Polly, wash them before you do" his frown was visible making me frown myself as I couldn't help to see him like this. "Look If it helps I won't tell her okay " as I hold his pink socks in my hand, I knew this would kill her. I soon left him be, still sat at on the sofa, as  I was about to turn around, I felt his hand grab my arm turning me around to face him " Thank you " he whispered and with that a second round of the unforgivable took place.

Back to the present day

" Chloe?" I shouted at her. She was completely out of it, it was a good 10 minutes till she realised what was going on. " yeah..?" she answered back, her face looked like she had just seen a ghost " Are you good? you just zoned out on me for 10 minutes" I laughed now finding this assumption. Chloe walked away from me going into the living room I was confused at first, but swiftly came back with her bag " I'm leav...." before she could even finish what she was saying, the door opened ............

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