Part of the Plan | (Scorpia)

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"You--, You killed her!" I exclaim, tears forming in my eyes. I run over to Catra's lifeless body, careful not to step into the pool of blood on the side of her. "Don't be so dramatic," Lord (Y/N) says, "She's a cat, 9 lives remember?" she finishes, a wicked smirk on her face. I wipe a few tears from my face and stand up to face her. "Yeah, I guess," I say unsurely looking down at the floor. Lord (Y/N) takes a moment before responding. "So what's your name?" she asks, her tone of voice giving off the same confidence she had moments before killing Catra. "Uh, force captain," I blurt out, "I mean Scorpia, Force Captain Scorpia" I stammer out awkwardly looking down at Lord (Y/N). 

"Well, you're tall! " I hear a voice behind Lord (Y/N) say as I look behind her, my eyes meeting those of a dark-haired girl wearing a black uniform with a red Horde symbol above her heart. I feel my cheeks heat up and I look away. "So are all of you, when you first walked in Catra and I were all like WOW!" I manage to say, my eyes shifting back and forth between the group. Lord (Y/N) and the rest of the girls let out a giggle and I feel myself smiling back at them. "Maybe she isn't that bad," I think to myself as their laughter quiets. Lord (Y/N) takes a step forward and turns around to face her friends. "Force Captain," she says turning around slightly to look up at me, "I'd like to formally introduce you to the Horde's 2nd Division best leaders," Lord (Y/N) beams proudly. She points to the same dark-haired girl from before and says, "this is Enid Nightshade, a star athlete, powerful siphoner, and our lead combat trainer". Enid smiles at me and waves as Lord (Y/N) moves down the line, pointing at the next girl. My eyes follow her finger to a very neat and intimidating blonde girl with blue-green eyes. "Meet Ethel Hallow, highest-ranking force captain, and one of the most powerful witches from the Hallow line," Lord (Y/N) proclaims as Ethel just stares blankly at me. I smile at her and she rolls her eyes, letting out a deep breath of disgust. Lord (Y/N), Enid, and another girl who hadn't been introduced to me yet let out a giggle and shake their heads.  Lord (Y/N) continues her introductions, again pointing at the next girl in line. "This is Sybil Hallow, the youngest member of our team and the youngest commander in the 2nd division, she's Ethel's little sister which makes her a descendent of one of the most powerful witch families, the Hallows", Lord (Y/N) says, giving Sybil a soft smile. Sybil looks up at me and smiles and I can tell right then that she was nothing like her older sister. I look back down at her and give her a huge smile and eager wave. Sybil's cheeks turn a slight shade of red and Lord (Y/N) holds out her hand to the last girl in line. 

The girl takes her hand and smiles as she steps forward. Lord (Y/N) turns around to face me, her hand still in the unnamed girls and she smiles. "This," Lord (Y/N) pauses for dramatic effect I guess, "This is Indigo Moon, Second-in-Command, and my best friend. Indigo is our resident brainiac and we have her to thank for all of our super-advanced tech and weapons as well as some of our greatest battle plans" Lord (Y/N) finishes, turning her eyes lovingly to Indigo. Ethel scoffs and Indigo rolls her eyes. "Don't start metal mouth" Indigo snaps at Ethel and we all let out a laugh. Our laughter is quickly interrupted by the sound of light groaning. "Oh my gosh! Catra!" I exclaim out loud, totally forgetting that my best friend has literally been lying there dead as a doorknob this entire time. Catra blinks a few times before opening her eyes completely and I drop down to hug her. "Oh! Wild Cat! You really are okay!" I say to her, small tears of happiness and relief in my eyes. Catra groans and pushes me off as she stands up. 

"If all of you are quite done" Shadow Weaver's voice commands the attention of the room, startling all of us, causing Sybil and me to jump in fear, "I have an important plan to discuss with (Y/N) and I'm certain that that plan doesn't involve any of you," she says condescendingly.  "What plan?" Catra challenges, causing me to drop my mouth in shock. For someone who was just electrocuted and then murdered, Catra sure does have a lot of guts, I think. "Did you miss the part where I said the plan DIDN'T involve you?" Shadow Weaver sneers at Catra and Catra lets out an almost maniacal laugh. Enid, Ethel, Sybil, and Indigo exchange a curious glance as they turn their attention back to the argument that was obviously beginning before us. Lord (Y/N) steps forward in between Catra and her mom and says, "They're force captains right? Involve them" Lord (Y/N) demands, and I'm totally surprised by her display of confidence at someone as ruthless as Shadow Weaver. Shadow Weaver hesitates for a moment before responding. "Very well," she says and we are all caught off guard at her acceptance. Shadow Weaver goes on and on about attacking Bright Moon and how she expected each of us except for Lord (Y/N) to be useful for once. 

"So what am I going to do?" Lord (Y/N) asks Shadow Weaver. "Take a good guess" Shadow Weaver replies and Lord (Y/N) lets out a deep breath. "I'm hacking into the Runestone aren't I?" Lord (Y/N) asks and Shadow Weaver nods her head in agreement. "The plan is to connect ourselves to the Moonstone so that we can harness the power for ourselves" Shadow Weaver instructs Lord (Y/N) as the rest of us stand there quietly.  "No," Lord (Y/N) says and I gasp while Catra takes a step back. Did she really just tell Shadow Weaver no? "This is soo not going to end well," I think to myself as I watch as Shadow Weaver circles menacingly around Lord (Y/N). Shadow Weaver places a hand on Lord (Y/N)'s face before grabbing her chin tightly. "You will do whatever I see fit" she spits at Lord (Y/N) who just rolls her eyes. "I said, no" Lord (Y/N) yells forcefully as she yanks Shadow Weaver's hand away from her face. "I'm not a little girl anymore," she continues, "And you won't make me do your dirty work ever again. I don't need the power. You do!" Lord (Y/N) says her voice almost a growl, "So if you want the Moonstone, get it yourself" she finishes, turning to walk away. As she takes the first step away, Shadow Weaver immediately traps Lord (Y/N) in a ball of electricity, and Lord (Y/N) screams out in pain. Suddenly, Enid holds out a glowing red hand and I watch as the electricity holding Lord (Y/N) weakens the longer Enid holds her hand out. When all of the electricity is gone, Lord (Y/N) speaks up.  "Don't" I hear Lord (Y/N) tell Enid as she motions for her to stand down behind her back and Enid drops her hand. Lord (Y/N) takes a step forward towards Shadow Weaver and looks down at her. "The best I can do for you," she pauses, "is protect you while you connect yourself to it but that's it" Lord  (Y/N) finishes as she turns around to face the other girls. She motions for us to come and Catra and I exchange a hesitant look before joining Lord (Y/N) and her group of friends. 

"We're not done!" I hear Shadow Weaver yell as we all disappear from the black garnet chamber and reappear in the halls of the Fright Zone. 

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