Aftermath | (Catra)

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"So what's a wedding?" I ask breaking the silence between us. Indigo and (Y/N) turn to look at me, both of their expressions confused. "What?" (Y/N) replies and I repeat the question. "People usually have a wedding after being in a relationship with someone for a while. Marriage is the next and final step in a relationship. There's a whole ceremony and fancy clothes, it's basically the process of going from girlfriend to wife. You get a ring and everything" Indigo explains excitedly. 

"What made you ask about a wedding?" (Y/N) questions and I freeze, not really wanting to admit to eavesdropping. "Um, Enid and Ethel were talking about it earlier which reminds me, what's chi blocking?" I question, a quick attempt at changing the subject. My attempt proves successful because (Y/N) disregards the wedding conversation and immediately dives into a long speech about what exactly chi blocking is. "You're such a dork" I joke and we all laugh. Our laughter is cut short by the sound of a viewing screen in the farthest corner of (Y/N)'s room clicking on. Shadow Weaver appears on the screen, her cold, lifeless eyes sending chills down my spine. "Whatever she wants, it's not going to be good," I think to myself as Shadow Weaver calls for me and (Y/N) only to report to the black garnet chamber. 

The screen clicks off and Indigo gives us a worried look. "I'm coming too," she demands but (Y/N) refuses. "No, you're not, whatever she's about to do to me, I'll be fine," (Y/N) says, her tone of voice aching with a sense of finality. Indigo doesn't fight her on it and looks over at me, the sadness and worry dancing in her beautiful blue-purple eyes. I give a soft smile to her as (Y/N) grabs my wrist and teleports us to the black garnet chamber.  We materialize near the door and Shadow Weaver wastes no time generating electricity from the black garnet to trap and paralyze (Y/N). I watch as the electricity leaves burning marks on her skin that ends up healing as quickly as they're left. "I have been informed that you left the Fright Zone today, is that correct?" Shadow Weaver questions (Y/N). (Y/N) doesn't speak and doesn't look at Shadow Weaver directly either. For the first time, I can see the worry and years of pain that had built up over time on her face and in her eyes. My heart breaks for her and I want to stand up for her, defend her, protect her, but my body won't move so I watch as Shadow Weaver continues to abuse her the same way she has done me so many times over the years. 

"Not only did you leave the Fright Zone without permission, but you also let members of the Rebellion escape among them Adora," Shadow Weaver drawls out scornfully. It's only at the mention of Adora does (Y/N) turn her eyes to Shadow Weaver's. A mix of fear and anger plays in her eyes but she still doesn't speak, almost like she couldn't. "How many times must I teach you this lesson? You are the Horde's only hope at victory and if you can't be trusted to do what you were born to do, well," Shadow Weaver pauses, the silence so eery and dark that it causes me to flatten my ears and move closer to the door. (Y/N) closes her eyes in anticipation and Shadow Weaver looks at the girl, a wicked smirk spreading across her lips. "How can she even smile with a mask on?" I think to myself, becoming increasingly annoyed at the sight of her. "You know the punishment for losing considering losing was never an option for you," Shadow Weaver says and with a flick of her hand, (Y/N) begins crying out in pain but I'm not sure from what. Sure there was a slight surge in the electricity but this is the second time I've watched (Y/N) get trapped and it's easy to tell that she's built up a tolerance for it. Shadow Weaver places a free hand on the black garnet and continues making motions with her hand leaving gaping holes and scratches on (Y/N)'s body. (Y/N) lets out horrifying screams that cause the small layer of fur on my skin to rise and I feel my claws sinking into the wall behind me. "I've got to figure out a way to help her," I think to myself but my thoughts are interrupted as Enid, Ethel, Sybil, Indigo, and Scorpia show up. 

I'm caught off guard at the sight of them and I think to myself that Indigo must have gone and told them that we were in trouble. That same familiar jealousy from earlier creeps its way back up into my body and mind at the thought of them only coming to save (Y/N). They weren't my friends, they didn't care about me. They came to save (Y/N) and that's it but maybe Scorpia came along for me. I stop thinking as I watch Enid siphon the magic away from Shadow Weaver and use it to attack her. Ethel quickly teleports over to (Y/N) who had fallen to the ground unconscious and teleports them out. I look around at everything happening so quickly and Sybil, Indigo, and Scorpia appear in front of me, teleporting me out before I could even say a word. We all end up back in (Y/N)'s room, all of us slightly out of breath. I look at (Y/N)'s unconscious body laying on the bed, the blood and cuts still fresh. "Why isn't she healing?" I cry out in fear and Ethel looks over to me, her eyes actually genuine for once. "I don't know," she says defeatedly as she turns her attention back to (Y/N). Ethel places glowing white hands on (Y/N) but nothing happens. She remains unconscious, unhealed. Ethel yells out in anger, pushing something off a stand nearby. Enid finally appears in the room and looks around at us, her eyes darting around quickly. Before we can say anything to her, she passes out too, her body hitting the floor hard. "Enid!" Ethel yells the angst in her voice, sending a paralyzing emotion through my veins. Ethel picks her up and places her on the bed next to (Y/N). We all stand around the bed just staring at the both of them, unsure of what to do or what to say. 

Enid gasps and sits up, rubbing the back of her neck slightly. "Baby," Ethel cries out dropping down to hug Enid tightly. "Weren't you just mad at me like four seconds ago?" Enid says and Ethel pushes her. Sybil and Indigo both smile and I feel them relax a little at Enid's return. "Can you please take shit seriously for one moment? I thought you died," Ethel complains and Enid smiles her reckless energy present. "A Nightshade never misses an opportunity for dramatics," Enid jokes and Ethel rolls her eyes. Enid kisses Ethel on the cheek and looks over to (Y/N) who was still cut up and unresponsive. Enid places a hand over (Y/N)'s heart and her hand begins to glow red. 

"She is coursing with black magic," Enid says opening her eyes and taking her hand away from (Y/N). "I siphoned it but she's probably going to be out for a while," Enid finishes, turning her attention towards us.  "So she's going to be okay?" I ask and Enid shakes her head as she gets up from the bed. 

She stumbles a little and Ethel rushes to catch her, teleporting the both of them to wherever. Sybil and Scorpia exit next, leaving Indigo, me, and (Y/N)'s unconscious body alone in her room. 

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