Book 2 Chapter 3- The Price of Power| (Catra)

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I sigh and lean back against the wall, my hands bound by glowing green rope. (Y/N) had told Hordak about Shadow Weaver and I had been imprisoned as a result. I was angry to say the least, more like totally pissed that she would betray me was more like it. I sigh again, deciding that the anger was useless and wasn't going to get me out of here anyway. The night she found out has been replaying in my mind constantly. (Y/N) had every chance to kill me again but didn't. Why? Why?  I question myself again, growing frustrated as no clear answer came to mind. At that moment, I couldn't tell what she was thinking, and that in itself scared me. I decided that I would do whatever it takes to find out, after all, everybody has a weakness and if I was going to reclaim my rightful place next to Hordak, the first person I had to take out was (Y/N). "Like mother, like daughter," I think to myself, smiling sinfully. 

A security alarm begins blaring loudly. The once warm lights that lit up the Fright Zone quickly switched over to a deep red to match the now chaotic atmosphere. I hear a security gate nearby clang open and watch as Scorpia hurriedly makes her way to my cell. I stare in disbelief as Scorpia's frantic eyes begin scanning for a way to get me out. "Catra! Catra, I found you," Scorpia chants through quick breaths. " Scorpia? How did you get in here?" I question, scanning the prison for signs of anyone else. Disappointment washes over me as I realize Scorpia came alone and that Indigo wasn't there with her. "Oh, boy. It was quite the heist," Scorpia answers excitedly, she begins humming as she remembers, " Very high-level, dangerous stuff. Now come on, I'm busting you out. We don't have a lot of time before –" Scorpia urges. "Before what?" I question, interrupting her. "Uh... Hordak. He's called an assembly to witness your punishment. But I'm sure it's – It's probably nothing, but whatever it is, I won't let it happen. I'm gonna get you out of here. Gosh, these buttons are tiny. Just so small. Ah, hit the wrong one," Scorpia explains as she attempts to push in the code to release me from the cell. She gives a little laugh before continuing, "Okay, just a second. Oh, shoot, not that one," she complains as she enters the incorrect code again.

"Stop it. I never stood a chance. I did everything right. I thought I could prove myself, but it doesn't matter what I do, I don't get to win. Shadow Weaver was right," I say flatly, expressing my disinterest for Scorpia and whatever Hordak was planning. " She's not right. Don't give up yet. I can save you," Scorpia begs, staring me in the eyes as she pleads. I look her up and down thoughtfully before rolling my eyes and backing away from the door. "You really care, don't you?" I ask patiently, watching as the question stuns Scorpia. "Of course, I care. You're Catra. You're our leader, You're... You're my friend. You're everything to me," Scorpia answers lovingly, her eyes doing their best to convince me that she was telling the truth. I back further away from the door and begin laughing maniacally. "Caring about people is what got me into this mess. Get out of here, or they'll take you down with me," I answer sarcastically. "What?" Scorpia questions, her face heavy with shock and heartbreak. I roll my eyes again and fold my arms across my chest, "Are you stupid? I said, leave," I reply angrily, turning my head and calling for the guards loudly. I turn slightly watching as tears fill Scorpia's eyes before she runs away quickly. 

I smile when she's finally gone and go back to resting up against the cold wall of my cell. "She's never going to stop," I think to myself, shaking my head mournfully as I come up with more ways to push Scorpia away. I quickly shoot up from the wall remembering Scorpia's warning. Hordak had a punishment for me, there was no doubt in my mind that I was going to be dying for real this time. Anger rises in my body and I begin pacing around my cell, clawing at the walls as I sighed. "There's no way I'm dying today, Hordak just needs to see that I'm still useful, he needs a show of power," I think to myself.  After everything that's happened, this was the last way I would have thought it would end. "He's not going to kill me right? " I question, again remembering all of my past victories, hoping those would outweigh one minor inconvenience. I was so consumed in my thoughts and the increasing anxiety that I didn't hear two Horde guards walk into my cell. They grab my arms and hold them behind my back tightly. One guard pushes me in the back signaling me to walk out of the cell. I hiss and look around, locking eyes with both guards. "Keep walking," one guard calls out forcefully and I involuntarily obey. We make it to Hordak's sanctum and it's completely full. I walk past Lonnie, Scorpia, and Kyle, they all turn their eyes away from me, looking down to the ground sadly. I continue scanning the faces in the crowd as the two guards escort me to the foot of Hordak's throne. We reach the front and the two guards push me down to my knees. I look around one last time, finally locking eyes with Indigo. She was standing behind Ethel, Enid, and Sybil, small tears falling down her cheeks as she looked up and over to Hordak. 

I follow her eyes and notice (Y/N) standing directly next to Hordak on the throne with Entrapta on his other side. Hordak and (Y/N) tower over me, looking down in disgust as I look up from my knees. "I want you all to watch and learn. There is nothing I do not know. Nothing I am not willing to do to punish those who betray my trust. Your former Force Captain has proven to be compromised, ineffective, and worthless. To the rest of you, take a lesson from this. This is what happens to failures," Hordak growls, keeping his cold dead eyes carefully trained on me. "You're the failure," I speak up harshly. Everyone in the room gasps as I laugh, beginning to stand up from my place on the ground. "You need me, just like you needed Shadow Weaver because you have no idea how to run this place. All you know how to do is hide in your lab. Maybe that's why you can't defeat a group of teenagers," I spit, looking back and forth between (Y/N) and Hordak. "Oh, Catra..." Scorpia says quietly after gasping at me. I look over to her quickly, my eyes cold and harsh before turning my attention back to Hordak's throne. Entrapta sits idly by on the arm of the throne, completely disinterested in what was happening. (Y/N) crosses her arms impatiently as she stares at me, her (E/C) eyes masking her feelings if she was feeling anything at all. " Save you little speech. There has been a change of plan," Hordak growls as he resists the urge to respond to my previous statement. "Hi, Catra. I saved your life. You're welcome," Entrapta chimes in happily, chuckling lightly as she goes back to being disinterested in the conversation. "I don't understand," I reply confused, looking around at the faces in the room all of which seemed to be as confused as I do. "I was certain I was dying today," I think to myself as I watch a sinister grin appear on (Y/N)'s face. "Entrapta has interceded on your behalf. You should be thanking her. Instead of the many punishments I intended, you are being sent to retrieve First One's tech for us – in the Crimson Waste," Hordak orders flatly. "The Crimson Waste? It's a total dead zone. Nothing survives out there," I whine as my eyes pop up open in disbelief and anger. Hordak laughs as he looks me up and down, crossing his arms over his chest, "Exactly," he answers.

"Lord Hordak, if I may," (Y/N) finally speaks up, she winks at me quickly before turning her attention back to Hordak who was staring at her angrily, "I would like to accompany Catra to the Crimson Waste," she continues, her tone serious but gentle. "What?" Hordak and I question at the same time, both of us caught off guard at (Y/N)'s request. (Y/N) bows slightly, looking back up at Hordak slowly before responding. "I believe it's in our best interest that I oversee the mission, I will make sure the mission goes as planned," (Y/N) answers staring heavily at Hordak as if there was something sinister between them that had been previously discussed. "Very well," Hordak agrees, nodding slightly as he grants (Y/N) permission. (Y/N) turns her attention to me and smiles mischievously before walking down the steps of the throne and dismissing the two guards that were still holding me. 

(Y/N) walks up to me, places her hand on my shoulder, and leans in slightly, her warm hair brushing against my shoulder. "Just because you didn't die today as you thought, doesn't mean I don't have something much worse than death planned for you," (Y/N) whispers into my ear before teleporting us out of Hordak's sanctum. 

(Y/N) places me back in my cell, tightening the green ropes to the wall, purposefully causing small burning marks in my wrist. "This is going to be fun," (Y/N) says lowly, her (E/C) eyes devoid of any emotion. She steps back slowly, deciding rather or not to bind my ankles. A malicious look washes over her face quickly before she looks up at me, almost daring me to speak. "Why are you doing this?" I question her, my voice breaking slightly as she reaches down to tighten the ankle ropes the same way she did the ones on my wrist. "Because you deserve it," (Y/N) answers coldly before turning to walk out of the cell. The glowing barricade goes back up as (Y/N) dissolves into thin air, leaving me in the cell with nothing but my thoughts. I drop my head and sigh as warm tears begin falling down my face. I hiss and scream as I attempt to rip my wrists from the wall, causing the ropes to grow tighter and heat up more. I stop once the burning sensation becomes too much and scream again, crying harder. I had been banished to the Crimson Waste and was sure (Y/N) was going to leave me there for dead. I had no idea what to expect but I knew that only one of us was leaving there and that it had to be me. "Shadow Weaver wasn't even a good mom to her, why is she defending her so hard? " I question myself trying to make sense of (Y/N)'s newly found anger. We hadn't spoken since the Battle of Bright Moon and I was sure there were things that we needed to talk about. That battle changed everything for us, but I guess it changed her much more than any of us ever realized. 

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