Authors Note <3

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Firstly, I would like to thank you guys so much for a little over 2k reads and 100 votes! I appreciate it so much more than you all could ever know and because of it, I have decided to continue writing this story. Secondly, I want to apologize for the interruption. I personally hate A/N's and I swore I wouldn't put one in until the very end but I am just so excited and grateful that I felt this was necessary. 

So much has happened within the first section of the book and I know some of you may a bit confused. While there are many things that I can't talk about without spoiling future chapters, there are some things that I can clear up. As from the title, everyone should be aware that this is a Catra x reader story and I intend on staying true to that. While the current plot has Catra in a forming relationship with someone other than the "reader", please don't be discouraged, I promise your time to shine is coming soon! I can say that the Catra x reader portion of the plot will be a slow burn because honestly why not? But it will happen! As revealed in an early chapter, (Y/N) is indeed the biological daughter of Shadow Weaver and a woman, who we will learn more about later, named Sin. The entire backstory that Shadow Weaver had created and fed to (Y/N) her entire life about her parents being killed and her being kidnapped, was all a lie. (Y/N) has also previously dated Lonnie up until the night of her leaving to become Lord in Brotheria. Ethel, Sybil, Enid, and Indigo have all only been friends with (Y/N) for about two years but everyone else has been friends since childhood. (Y/N) is currently in a sleeping beauty spell, which she cast on herself right after she came back from the dead. While in the spell, she is aware of everything happening around her and can actively hear what's going on. The timeline of the book is fairly quick with a lot of these events happening on the same day. The day of the Battle of Bright Moon has just come to an end at the end of the last chapter. It's currently about 1:20 AM, the next day, on Earth and about 10:30 PM on Etheria. 

Family is a huge part of this story and as you can see, the main characters like Indigo and Ethel, have a bunch of blood-related families to go around. Ethel and Sybil are sisters, however, they have two other sisters that stay with their parents on Earth. Esmerelda, their older sister who lost her magic in a duel many years ago has no affiliation with the Horde, the Battle Squad, or Ethel, for that matter. Esmerelda is 24-years-old and unlike her younger sisters, has dark brown hair and no braces. However, she does share their same blue-green eyes. Ethel and Esmerelda's relationship is quite estranged seeing as though Ethel suffers from classic middle child syndrome. They each share a younger sister, Sierra. Sierra is a wild child, interested in having as much fun as possible and as little responsibility. Granted, Sierra is only 8-years-old, unlike her sisters' she isn't dying to live by the Witches' Code or become the most powerful witch in her family. Like Esmerelda and Sybil, Sierra's relationship with Ethel is very much so estranged and quite possibly without repair. Due to her nature of not wanting to follow in her sisters' footsteps, Sierra too, has no affiliation with the Horde, the Battle Squad, or Etheria. Sierra has ever only lived on and known Earth to be her home. The Hallow sisters share the same mother and father and both of their parents are still alive and well, free from any danger on Earth. I mentioned in an earlier chapter that they were rich, this is due to the fact that both of the Hallow parents work in law. Due to the extremely violent and competitive nature of the Hallow bloodline, Ethel's parents are some of the most cut-throat, hard-hitting lawyers known in current times. 

Like the Hallows, Indigo is no stranger to a large family. As we already know, Indigo's relationship with her parents is estranged, very much so to the point where Indi considers herself an orphan. Indi spent much of her life under the care and protection of her Aunt's. Aunt Blu, real name Azulona is the sister of Indigo's dad, Azul. Indi's mom Mona, which is short for DeMona, is sister to Queen Angella which is where Indi gets her last name Moon and yes, this makes Glimmer her cousin. Azul is a firebender and Mona was an angelic being in addition to being the She-Ra. After Mona died and was banished to Hell for disrupting the natural magical order of the Spirit line, she remarried and managed to have another child, Yumi. The man who Mona had remarried was the same Phoenix she had linked her life to when she gave birth to Indi. His name is Chizue Ishiyama, because of this, Yumi was born basically dead, allowing her to unlock her Phoenix powers at birth, giving her wings and the ability to shift between worlds. Yumi is 4 years younger than Indi and as you all know, they do not have a great relationship. Yumi was raised in Hell with both of her parents, always being told that she would be the one to one day bring her sister "home" with them. When Yumi was 16 after she destroyed a section of Hell in a blind fit of rage, she was sent to go and find her sister. At this point, Indi was 20 and had no idea that her mom was alive or that Yumi existed. Indi didn't take it well and Yumi was pretty much totally unstable at that point causing them to have the type of relationship that they do today. Like Indi's mom, her dad Azul, remarried too. He remarried a woman from the fire nation and they gave birth to twins, Azula and Azura. Since Azul opted to keep the last name and the kingdom of Moon Manor after Mona had died, Azula and Azura have the last name Moon as well. The twins were born 6 years after Indi and are currently 18. Indi's cousin Noam is the only biological child of her Aunt's Blu and Marley. Lyra, is the daughter of Indi's uncle and is 18 like the twins. 

So as you can see, I'm super big on family and there's no doubt that Indi's family tree is crazy but I hope it's clearer to everyone now and makes more sense. I promise all of this information will be useful at some point. Oh, and Enid is an only child! If you guys have any questions, suggestions, you can always message me, or leave comments. Again, thank you guys so much for the support you have already given me! It truly means so so much to me! I really hope that you all have enjoyed the first part of the book!! 

Name Meanings:

Azul, Azulona, Azura, Azula - Blue 

Noam - Pleasantness

Lyra - Constellation containing the Star Vega

Yumi -  Beauty, Abundant

Chizue - Long life, Endurance, Durability 

Ishiyama - Stony Mountain 

Shekinah - The glory of the divine presence

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