Unspoken Apology | (Y/N)

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We all walk into the locker room together, and each go our separate ways, picking a different shower. I swear Ethel and Enid can't go four seconds without each other because the both of them opt to shower together. I scoff and roll my eyes as I take off my training outfit and step into the shower myself. I let the warm water run down my body as I let my thoughts flow freely.

I can't help but think about Catra. I mean I've been watching her my entire life and now, I finally get the chance to be her friend without my mother getting in the way. I feel my body warm up as I think about our sleepover and the way she stared at my lips before saying goodnight. And then I curse myself for ruining the moment with my explosive temper. I knew she wasn't choosing their side and I knew she didn't mean anything by what she said but I just couldn't find the strength to calm myself then. I think of ways to apologize hoping she would accept it; after all, she doesn't seem like the type to forgive easily. My thoughts continue as I think about why I'm in the Fright Zone, to begin with, and I think about how I and the battle squad can strategically take down the Princesses. I make up my mind then, that we aren't sparing any lives. They will fall at our hands and I will end this war, no matter what.

I shut the water off and step out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my wet body. I see Catra sitting on a nearby bench and I catch her attention and motion for her to come over to me. She gives me a hesitant look before obeying. "What's up?" Catra asks and I just shrug and wave my hand, teleporting us into my room. "You could've given me a warning," she says, slightly irritated. "Here's your warning, I teleport everywhere so get used to it," I reply, making sure to watch my tone. Catra scoffs and leaps over me, purposely bouncing on my shoulder, before landing on my bed. She shakes her now slightly wet hands and sighs. I drop the towel that was covering my body and Catra throws up her hand to cover her face. I laugh and make a pulling motion with my hand, causing a black sports bra and matching pair of black shorts to cling to my body. "You can look now," I say turning around to Catra.

Catra drops her hand hesitantly and slowly lifts her head up, peaking at me. Once she sees I'm clothed enough she gives me her full attention. I watch as she stares at my body, her eyes mostly following the scar path. Catra's face softens into a sad expression the longer she stares. The glare makes me uneasy and I shift my weight around a bit before relaxing my shoulders and extending both of my hands forward. Once I extend my hands, my armor immediately flies from its spot on the wall and fastens itself around my body. I smile happily as I feel the cold metal against my skin. My armor was much more than armor, it's an extension of me and it's a huge part of my identity. I mean I literally had the armor custom-made, nobody else has a suit like this. "I'm never going to get used to that," Catra jokes, and I giggle, walking towards my dresser to grab two black cloaks.

"There's no way I'm going to Erelandia without a disguise so," I say holding out the other cloak to Catra. She grabs it and puts it on, her ears poking through the top and I cover my mouth in a silent giggle. "What?" she questions and I'm giggling too hard to answer. I take a deep breath and manage to say, "your ears are cute" pointing towards her. Catra hisses as her cheeks turn red. "I am not cute!" she shouts and I laugh even harder. "Yeah whatever, I think that's what I'm going to call you now," I say stepping towards her, "cutie" I wink, giving her ears a playful flick. She pushes me and I barely move an inch but I give her a smile to which she smiles back. "Call me that in public and we're going to have a problem," she says, forming a small flame in her hand. "Ugh don't be such a brat," I groan, "let's go," I wave my hand, teleporting us outside where all the skiffs were.

I'm always last to arrive so of course my friends were waiting for me near a door and walk towards me and Catra once they notice us. We meet each other halfway and walk over to our skiffs. Catra squeals in delight as she walks around our skiffs. "Wait, all of you have your own skiff?" she questions and we shake our heads as we mount our skiffs. "And they have your names on them!" she exclaims, clearly impressed by us. "Perks of the second division," I say, motioning for her to join me on my skiff since I'm guessing she didn't have one of her own.

Catra gives me a happy look and I feel myself blushing but I quickly let it fade. I look over at Indigo who seemed to be slightly jealous so I raise my eyebrow at her and she looks away. I look back over at Catra who was still bubbling with excitement. "Want to drive?" I ask and she wastes no time pushing me out of the way to grab the handle. The skiff powers up and she speeds off directing us to Erelandia.

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